I just had a go at my CEO in front of 300+ staff.
Well I wasn't rude, just challenging. For around 18 months I've been trying to push for a piece of work to be done as it's a massive gap in our work, I've done a bit of work on it to help the business plan, prepare and execute this piece of work. I don't care if I'm not part of the delivery of it, or if it's done without my help, but I've been banging on about it since I joined and have a lot of expertise/knowledge in this space.
The other day I heard that there were at least 2 or 3 workstreams being planned on this particular piece of work. No coordination, or collaboration. Lots of duplication of effort and therefore cost being associated with this activity.
The reason it has traction? Because our CEO suddenly has an interest in it and she wanted to make sure it's not overlooked. I've spoken to the leads of each of those initiatives that they are moving forward and told them to wait so that we can get some clarity on what people are up to to maximise the impact of the work. I shared the work I had done on this to date (this is an area of expertise of mine, and as I said, I had been banging on about it for nearly 1.5 years), and everyone has gone, "oh wow, that's really good"... No ******* **** sherlock!!!?
Anyway, I FINALLY have a meeting with the CEO to discuss the opportunity, but I fear that if I share the work done to date it'll bamboozle her and she'll want to do it her way... so I have to water down my work to make it look like it's something that's in her control. I've told the other workstreams to pause their work until we get some clear direction.
This happens all the bloody time... central government sector is a nightmare. I think my next role will either need to be in a less dysfunctional department or back to private.
I'm one of the few people that doesn't mind standing up in front of the company and challenging the status quo, I use deliberate but considered language, but my role is meant to be one that challenges and stirs the pot a little to make sure we're doing the best we can. Needless to say the CEO didn't like to be challenged and doesn't like to be challenged (despite saying she's keen on hearing feedback)...
Perhaps I'll be managed out of the business soon - but I can't bend the knee if I feel there's something wrong. I know I should pick my battles more judiciously but I struggle to shut up.