Ugh. My "manager" (loose term, he's a jackass) here at the contract I'm at, appears to be plotting to get me fired.
They have to cull someone from the team (currently 5 people in Cambs, 2 people Basel) and it's currently someone from Cambs (who is really bad, too) up for the chop, but he's trying to throw me under the bus as he just doesn't like me.
Stupid thing is half the org we support is here in basel, so it would leave 1 person here and 5 in the US, which is just stupid.
More annoyed about the fact he's all nice to my face but some 2 faced in reality. Someone's getting glitter in the post.
I ****ing hate the job anyway, but the sales cycles on my own business are just long, so it's taking time to bring in money, so I just need to string this out a bit. I always do a great job though, I've recently put together and taught a whole training program, for example, so he can't have a problem with my work.