This Business and Moment...

I have no idea what any of that means Freefaller but well done :D


On Monday I'll be handing my resignation in here as I'll be starting a new job as an Application Support Analyst. :D :D :D

Small pay rise, but i'll need to get transport. Going to end up on shifts BUT more importantly, it's the first step on a ladder with a company that has real database applications, development teams, uses AI and machine learning, and the only way is up :D
Congrats! Sounds like a great move!!

For me it means I become chartered (engineer) which is just something I haven't really put much effort in. Becoming a fellow of an institution is pretty much the highest accolade for a professional body and it opens up opportunities and just gives you a bit more gravitas.
Sounds like it a wise move on your part, I'm all for growing and expanding :)

Well, I've just handed my notice in, 4 weeks, last day is the 31st July. Decided to do it 15 mins before the directors meeting, gives them something to discuss. Everyone keeps asking me what i'd do if they offered me more to stay as I effectively do the work of 2 people, always on call, know the systems inside out and generally do anything that is asked. First day in the new job will be the 7th August.

They tried to replace me when I had 3 days off sick, one of which was a weekend overtime day. No previous sickness either. Gives me no faith in the company or job security. They'd pay me more until they could replace me then throw me aside.

I've recently had a meeting where I stated the salary, training and improvements I wanted time to make including writing some custom software to streamline areas. Salary was inline with the work I was doing and what's on the job sites. It was a £9k increase, and I wanted a proper way of sorting overtime and an on call allowance. They offered a £2k increase, still waiting for overtime from January and no on call allowance. A training day was supposed to be created with the director to cover the development of a portal for our call centre, nothing has come of that because he's swamped, which I fully understand. My aim was to become his number 2, take on as much of his work as I could freeing him up and having an apprentice of my own to manage and help out.

It will never happen, so regardless of money, there is no future here. When you point that out to people they get why I am leaving.
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You mean 31st of July I hope?! Otherwise that's a little more than 4 weeks notice!!

Sounds like the right move for you and a very exciting opportunity. I think you're definitely doing the right thing moving on. If it means you'll develop professionally and personally then it's got to be a good thing.

Good luck with it!
You mean 31st of July I hope?! Otherwise that's a little more than 4 weeks notice!!

Sounds like the right move for you and a very exciting opportunity. I think you're definitely doing the right thing moving on. If it means you'll develop professionally and personally then it's got to be a good thing.

Good luck with it!

Lol, yeah I've edited it now :D that would be a hell of a notice period :D

Yeah, I need a challenge, I need to grow and i'm hungry to do so. I hate being in my comfort zone with a job.
Sometimes status quo is good for a bit of stability, but yes I agree, sometimes you need a bit of disruption to push yourself out of your comfort zone to develop yourself.
Today has been a good day. You may remember about 9 months ago I was moaning about my current role feeling that in it had become stagnant and I was just pushing the same numbers around Excel files with no opportunity for growth. Since then there has been a great deal of turmoil in the insurance industry, with changes to the Ogden discount rate and preperation the IFRS 17 taking up my time and allowing me to spend more time on interesting tasks. I had a particularly stressful year end, putting in insane hours with nobody in the company who had the insurance knowledge and Excel skills to be able to offer support.

But I got through it, and more interesting work keeps coming my way. We're taking ownership of our Solvency II modelling back from an external contractor, and that had landed at my feet as person best suited to do it. I've been offered a 25% pay bump, and I get to hire an assistant accountant to support me in handling the more mundane tasks from my current role while I get to focus more on the strategic stuff. Money is certainly going to come in handy, and this should really expand my horizons as well as looking great on my CV.
Contract through this morning, some paperwork to fill out, choose between car or salary and a congratulations card signed by some of the staff.

just over 2 weeks left here, 3 weeks until I start...can't wait :D
Nice one AH!

I've just got back from Guadalajara, which was really quite fruitful. Need to deliver on some things now post that trip but I'm in Portugal with the family for a week so just working from pool side with a view of the sea. I'm so tired and looking forward to getting home in a way. Trying to hire some more staff to deliver on all of these commitments I made in Mexico lol
Brought cookies and donuts to work today as its my Birthday. I have never understood this office tradition. Its my Birthday, so I'm going to buy you all sweets. :p

Still, my co-workers surprised me with cards and even some bottles of beer which was nice and totally unexpected. :)

Do you guys all bring cake/etc to work on your Birthdays? Do people get lynched if they don't? :p
Do you guys all bring cake/etc to work on your Birthdays? Do people get lynched if they don't? :p

Depends on the team, if it's all guys no one bothers with cards or treats. When anyone does bring anything in most people will moan about needing to lose weight and most of the cakes end up in a bin or taken home. And mostly the cakes are the cheapest available from whatever supermarket is on the way in to work.

My wife will take in fruit and savoury snacks and a nice cake.
I had my birthday off this year and attended the second interview that won me the new job :D

I've seen cakes and sweets etc at other places, but at the current place you get a card and that's it.
currently trying to figure out what we can do as a business to increase our turnover in the quiet winter months. adding additional services etc.

We take good money throughout the year, and summer is really good, however winter is such a killer for us. This causes us to have to work extra hard now and like the saying goes, make hay while the sun shines. we've got everything sorted to get the work. our advertising is good, customers are happily paying the premium we charge over our competitors, and we are doing good quality work, so we've got everything right, it's just the winter months too few people require our services.

competition drops their prices, we try do the same but this isn't ideal, going from doing say a job we can now charge £400 to do, to £150 in winter and make a loss. considering a solution to this issue is what i spend most of my free moments considering. what can a small team of people do in december, jan and feb armed with a couple vans and determination to make money. we've got a few ideas, but nothing we can confidently say will make a big difference to this issue
Identify problems that appear during the winter months in your area. Off the top of my head:

Mobile car washing due to salt and **** all over the road, you can turn up at company car parks and do it in bulk.
Early morning car deicing - get a whole street into it and it'll be worth it.
Gritting for business car parks.
Christmas gift storage - people can order items to be delivered to you so they can pick it up or have it delivered at a more suitable time.
Christmas tree pick up after Christmas
Waste removal after Christmas, lots of people have more wrapping and rubbish than they can get rid of in their bins
Christmas Party photo booths
Haulage - During the Christmas period haulage requirements shoot up.
7 Working days left in my job, no replacement yet because everyone they've spoken too have asked for a minimum salary that I asked for and they said no to.

No one knows how to do my job and because of a rebrand, massive intake of new starters etc I've not had time to develop procedures and videos for whoever takes over yet :(
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