This Business and Moment...

That's right.

A mate recently pointed it out to me. Just wanted to know if anyone had used it. Apparently a cheaper alternative to Tableau and similar
True -isn't that just a type of SAP's Business Object's though?

Not sure?

Personally looking at data analytics there is really SAP's Business Object's, IBM's Cognos that are the major ones used - I know the company I currently work for is moving away from SAP though to IBM for all it's IT and as a result moving to Cognos as it's main reporting tool
I think you're right. Would need to double check.

Haven't used Crystal or Cognos is a number of years now. I did pick up Power BI. Trying to get to grips with as many BI tools as possible.
This is getting annoying, i've gone from getting 10+ calls a week from recruiters to nothing in over 3 months.
Great experience in Munich as part of my training... winding down for holiday on Sunday now! 2 Weeks in Vegas then back at it in London with one of the accounts I am going to be taking over
Still hating my job, but offset by great days like these where I can procrastinate in the sun and catch up later.
This contract is seriously doing my nut in now. I damn well can't stand the place. Yet I'm going to milk it for as long as possible.

We're finalising stages for a sale with a university still with my company/ product and I'm confirmed sponsor at 2 US conferences in the summer. We've just signed on a new advisor who's big in the education space, which is great too. It all takes so damn long though.
We haven't finished an integration we need out like, yesterday and then there are a couple of new features which we need to push through as well.
I need more staff... and sales. Ugh.
Debating getting a franchise, it's in a field that has quite a bit of potential going forward, and it's certainly something I could see myself doing work wise.
I've been doing a job that I must say I am enjoying, it's all web/seo/blogging but it's a complete moral kicker.

I've am creating leads for people who are earning up to £30k a MONTH, developing new areas of business etc and I get constant whatsapp messages congratulating consultants on new deals worth up to £6k a time (they get 35-50% commision). And they are all going to Vegas in a few months as a company perk.

I am on a 4 day week due to child care, bringing in £12k a year. I am having to watch seo blogs via my phone because the PC is so slow it can't handle youtube. I've been asked by several people about the products we sell and the commission would be a couple of grand for me and the big boss is getting shirty about it.

Been here 3 months and already thinking of moving on.
Felt like a right plonker at work today. I've been withholding a rather sizable payment from a company the past week for services rendered thanks to looking at the wrong spreadsheet!!

Adult supervision had to step in (while I was arguing with the company in question) and gently point that out to me.
Felt like a right plonker at work today. I've been withholding a rather sizable payment from a company the past week for services rendered thanks to looking at the wrong spreadsheet!!

Adult supervision had to step in (while I was arguing with the company in question) and gently point that out to me.


Business is good my end but have a bit of an awkward scale where it's hard for me to really benefit from growth as I need to spend more to service the work so my drawings aren't particularly increasing. Still, not complaining, I am very fortunate.
We're really struggling with recruitment at the moment. There seems to be a complete dearth of motivated people wanting to get trained up. For new hires I'd say we're hitting a 50:1 rate of applicants to offers for 1st and 2nd line roles. We've already lowered the bar to taking completely green people who are simply keen on learning but finding people with clear written and spoken English is a difficult hurdle for many of them.

I've been playing with the idea of opening satellite offices in other cities (Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham specifically) just so we can fill in those gaps. I'd really rather not because it adds a lot of logistical and managerial complexity to what is otherwise a fairly smooth operation.

This doesn't even begin to touch on finding consistent, reliable contractors. We have a few dozen on the books at the moment but need to significantly expand that over the next year or so. If I could find a reliable source of trainable, willing minds I'd just train them up to fill the roles... Bah.
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