This Business and Moment...

Well just checked my police application and I am greeted with this message:

'Further to your recent application, we are pleased to inform you that you have been successful at the short listing stage. We will be in contact with you shortly regarding the next stage of the process.'

Very happy to say the least! Still a long road ahead but keeping fingers and toes crossed.

30 years old and sick of the Sales Role, although money and perks are excellent I just feel it is a job and not a career.

Will be a big drop in wage being a Student Office but wife is fully behind the move so watch this space!
We're really struggling with recruitment at the moment. There seems to be a complete dearth of motivated people wanting to get trained up. For new hires I'd say we're hitting a 50:1 rate of applicants to offers for 1st and 2nd line roles. We've already lowered the bar to taking completely green people who are simply keen on learning but finding people with clear written and spoken English is a difficult hurdle for many of them.



I'm green and keen to learn, and my English is excellent. :p

Trusted you!
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Been in work for 2 hours and 15 minutes after being off for a week and 3 days and I'm already bored out of my mind.
Sitting in the departure lounge of City Airport, off to Zurich for a week for some hard-core coding and schnitzel.
How does one motivate ones self to push for new sales leads today!?

Working from home, but as above I am also applying for the police...have my assessment booked for next month so keeping fingers and toes crossed.

All I can think about at the minute is the police and find it really hard to focus on the task in hand!

Also doesn't help it is sunny and 24 degrees outside!!
Ugh. My "manager" (loose term, he's a jackass) here at the contract I'm at, appears to be plotting to get me fired.
They have to cull someone from the team (currently 5 people in Cambs, 2 people Basel) and it's currently someone from Cambs (who is really bad, too) up for the chop, but he's trying to throw me under the bus as he just doesn't like me.
Stupid thing is half the org we support is here in basel, so it would leave 1 person here and 5 in the US, which is just stupid.

More annoyed about the fact he's all nice to my face but some 2 faced in reality. Someone's getting glitter in the post.

I ****ing hate the job anyway, but the sales cycles on my own business are just long, so it's taking time to bring in money, so I just need to string this out a bit. I always do a great job though, I've recently put together and taught a whole training program, for example, so he can't have a problem with my work.

Sounds pretty standard, plenty of managers out there who rate those below them on how much they like them and not the work being done.

That being said it's never an easy choice when you're told you have to get rid of someone and he might be stressing out over it.
Been doing lots of travelling recently - looks like that may be changing thankfully. Still on boarding into role - lots of training and exposure so all going well.
In London at the moment, did a talk at the future of education summit last night, pitching at a contest tomorrow night, back home Thursday.

Been a mad dash to get conference exhibition stand stuff and "swag" done for 8th July, which is pressing like mad. Also sorting out bank account for the US, as I need to deposit money in the business account and we're changing banks. Such a frantic month/s.

Not slowing down mind.
Fingers in lots of different pies - large group who go around buying different companies to get into a new sector.
US account setup, just need to get the card to me, which is currently on it's way to our virtual office in Redwood City.

Having corporate badges and bottle openers sent to conference in US, and exhibition stand is being printed and should be with me before next friday. Ugh. That was a mission.
Randomshenans - do you have anything online around your venture? Would be interested in having a closer look - email in trust if you don't want to post here
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