This cant be good?

killer_uk said:
Well if it is, thats strange, my raptor had something like 9000 hours or something, and had 52% health. My new seagate on the other hand had 142 hours and had 51% health? :confused:
:| that confusein, and my harddrive 1 which " is dead " is formattin :S so it cant be dead ?
Backup whatever you can to DVD ASAP.

7zip the lot, and split the archive to fit on DVDs (4.3gb, IIRC).

Don't burn at the fastest possible speed - this will not only stress the harddisk when burning, but won't get you a good quality burn. For a backup, I'd suggest burning at 4-8x.
I wouldn't believe anything that program says - just gave it a whirl and one of my HDDs (brand new) was apparently at 44% health and had over 137years (more than 1million hours) of work life, and my oldest HDD in this rig (almost 7 years) was at 100% health and low work life...
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