This Instant And Moment - 2020!

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Ohhh in the Shoop Shoop song they're asking Cher if it's his warm embrace, not his morning breath :o I did think that lyric was a bit eww haha! :D
Have a 90s playlist going whilst I finally sort some long overdue tasks.

Previously an old work colleague said he had a mate who might be in need of someone to do some admin work and gave me the guys number and said to text him. There wasn't a picture on WhatsApp or if there was, it never included his face. long story short it was obvious the guy was after something else so I ignored it but kept his number in my phone just in case anything dodgy happened. Just been looking through my archived WhatsApp messages to clear them down and saw his name except his WhatsApp pic is my old work colleague. The exact same one he uses for Facebook :eek: so all that time I was texting him not his "mate" *shudder*

I'd laugh if you called him out on it. That is really quite creepy though and not really sure what the end game was on that.
I'd laugh if you called him out on it. That is really quite creepy though and not really sure what the end game was on that.

Acting on a guilty conscience comes to mind. Eg. Would she tell his 'mate' (or missus) that he'd tried to kiss her?
I'd laugh if you called him out on it. That is really quite creepy though and not really sure what the end game was on that.
I did think about sending a text message (not through WhatsApp) asking who it is to see what name he would reply with but I can't be bothered lol. Does make me wonder, with some of the things this "mate" apparently does for work, whether that is true and he has a mate that does that or if it's secretly him

In other news my planned walk with my mum has been called off thanks to the rain. Oh well, roast dinner for one will still go ahead and it gives me more time to sort some stuff around the house and just relax :)

Edit: it's kind of depressing not having anyone to share a roast dinner with. It's stopped raining but my mum still refuses to drive over :/
I guess I'm just in a tired, mopey mood today :o might watch a cheesy Xmas movie :D lol
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There's been a high pitched, 12-16khz tone playing at reasonably high volume nearby. Since 2AM. I want to find out who it is so I can subject them to a brown note.
Why is it so many films and TV shows have deafening action scenes and then really quiet dialogue? I’m constantly turning the volume up and down so I can hear what people are saying then back down so I don’t annoy the neighbours.
Why is it so many films and TV shows have deafening action scenes and then really quiet dialogue? I’m constantly turning the volume up and down so I can hear what people are saying then back down so I don’t annoy the neighbours.

It's when the insanely loud adverts kick in that I get annoyed.
Why is it so many films and TV shows have deafening action scenes and then really quiet dialogue? I’m constantly turning the volume up and down so I can hear what people are saying then back down so I don’t annoy the neighbours.
This sounds like a problem with your TV settings - like you have it set up for a set up and are missing the relevant speaker.
This sounds like a problem with your TV settings - like you have it set up for a set up and are missing the relevant speaker.
I dunno, I have to ride the volume control for any content with action in. I think it's partly down to using inbuilt speakers. It's been like it with every TV I've owned though.
I dunno, I have to ride the volume control for any content with action in. I think it's partly down to using inbuilt speakers. It's been like it with every TV I've owned though.
Play around with the settings. It could be you have a certain setting enabled on your input device that it affecting things.

Last year I tried watching Halloween on Now TV and there was clearly a sound issue with that, could barely hear what individuals were saying and the soundtrack was up way too high. So I know the sort of issues you mean.

I actually really have a problem with iPad speakers. They just sounds SO LOUD to my ears even if they aren’t playing loud. It’s emitting some sort of repulsive abrasive frequency that has to be relatively low not to offend me.
I actually really have a problem with iPad speakers. They just sounds SO LOUD to my ears even if they aren’t playing loud. It’s emitting some sort of repulsive abrasive frequency that has to be relatively low not to offend me.
It's the compression I think. I get it from (PC) video calls if I have more than 3/4 hours in a day. Like ear fatigue. If I use my phone for video calls it happens almost immediately. Like. Throbbing in my ears as people talk.
It is truly one of natures wonders the years and decades of trouble and trauma some folk will rather put themselves through than the short effort it takes to learn to control their impulses, once, for 9 seconds. It beggars belief.
Why is it so many films and TV shows have deafening action scenes and then really quiet dialogue? I’m constantly turning the volume up and down so I can hear what people are saying then back down so I don’t annoy the neighbours.

I've found that since moving from tv speakers to a soundbar, it seems to normalise the volume levels a lot more.

My wife used to constantly be adjusting the volume, but now rarely touches it.
Why is it so many films and TV shows have deafening action scenes and then really quiet dialogue? I’m constantly turning the volume up and down so I can hear what people are saying then back down so I don’t annoy the neighbours.
I've been finding the same on pretty much everything I watch, though I'm not sure if it's the tv as I'm borrowing someone else's at the minute. Yesterday I was watching Sweet Home Alabama on TV and the talking was so quiet I had to turn it up and then turn it down for the music bits. Had to do the same when watching I'm a Celeb as it was so quiet in places but there were times when the tv was buzzing on certain words so I had to turn it down again.

I also find though on Spotify that the adverts are super loud compared to the music. I miss premium but trying to save some pennies lol
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