This Instant And Moment - 2020!

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Haha probably. The problem was i then googled something that suggested that a scone complete with butter, cream and jam (Not necessarily in that order. I'm not starting that argument), can be around 1000 calories, and with the amount of butter and cream i throw on i imagine mine was around that.
Haha probably. The problem was i then googled something that suggested that a scone complete with butter, cream and jam (Not necessarily in that order. I'm not starting that argument), can be around 1000 calories, and with the amount of butter and cream i throw on i imagine mine was around that.

Just go on a long run afterwards. Google says it's about 100 cals per mile run, so a 10 mile run for that scone.
I am planning on a run, not a 10 mile run today though. Just gonna aim for around 5-6 ahead of a longer hilly one on Saturday, although the cake isn't feeling great in my stomach!
Watching nature.

Wasp ensnared in a spiders web, battling a smallish garden spider. Who do you think would win?

Blimey it was like Battle Royale, the wasp got hold of one of the spiders leg and began chomping away, spider could not get away - lots of venom being shed by both. Well, it looked like the wasp stung the spider a couple of times, spider balled up (still with the wasp chomping away) so I thought that was it.

Then the spider got angry!

Freed himself from the wasp and had another go - must have bit the wasp a few times. Then gave up and retreated - Spider keeps going back and taking a bite but struggling to deliver the coup de grace. Wasp is doomed as all tangled up in the spiders web. Never seen anything like it. Must go out more. :p
Sounds interesting lol did you take a video?

Uhh think I've hurt my wrist from lifting heavy stuff at the weekend and then moving it awkwardly today in the office. I can't even lift my cup of tea, as soon as I tense from gripping the handle, it hurts :( (and no I'm not normally this weak! )

It wouldn't be so bad but it's my leftie so even writing kills. Thankfully I can write with my right hand but I'm used to grabbing the kettle, pan, cup etc with my left :o lol

It's a sign. Someone needs to come look after me for a change and cook for me...and do the vacuuming...and the washing up.... :D
Sounds interesting lol did you take a video?

Uhh think I've hurt my wrist from lifting heavy stuff at the weekend and then moving it awkwardly today in the office. I can't even lift my cup of tea, as soon as I tense from gripping the handle, it hurts :( (and no I'm not normally this weak! )

It wouldn't be so bad but it's my leftie so even writing kills. Thankfully I can write with my right hand but I'm used to grabbing the kettle, pan, cup etc with my left :o lol

It's a sign. Someone needs to come look after me for a change and cook for me...and do the vacuuming...and the washing up.... :D

Sure, £200 an hour? :p
No video of the fight, wish I had as it was something (if you like nature) to behold.

I did go back to peer at the gruesome remains - they are gone!
You saying it costs? That’s butler rates lol :p

Cooking and vacuuming and washing up is free (minus the shopping lol)!
You offering? :p

Boo Sainsbury's don't have stock of the vegan ice cream I wanted, so they substituted it for normal non vegan ice cream :confused: I don't know who they have working at my local store but their subs never seem logical.
We get some ridiculous substitutions in our shops too :o It used to be easy when I wasn't vegan because my partner would just pass stuff to me, but now we have to find someone to take it. For a while supermarkets weren't accepting rejections either.

Finally Friday, have been knackered and grumpy all week. Tomorrow I plan to spend all day doing nothing!
have some stella in the fridge with a best before of oct 2018 and some cider with best before aug 2020.
decided to drink a can of the cider and wow 5% alcohol and I already feel tipsy lol... from one can
Unless you happen to be a masochist, then getting stung by a bee’s never pleasant, what exactly did you expect?

Transit the Suez Canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean tomorrow, and thankfully lower sea and engine room temperatures for about 10 days or so, before we head back through Suez, and back to Qatar to load again.
Papa johns new limited edition 'bee sting' pizza is garbo, dont buy it. Just rank...
Sounds rank :p

In my haste last night to find a pot to catch a spider in, I forgot to turn the living room light off so it's been on all night - Doh!! :o

At least the spider is gone :D
The lights left on for the spider. He was like by jove, ahh, there's the exit, don't mind me. :D

I remember one morning waking up with a hairy house spider on the pillow, I thought I was dreaming. Rolled over, a couple of hours later, woke up properly and he was still there plotting. Pillow with spider chucked out the window.
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