This Instant And Moment - 2021!

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Just got back from the dentist and my head is frozen from having some fillings which I had put off throughout lockdown and a bit before. They have not got worse but was hoping somehow the enamel would reform to cover the holes :rolleyes:

Walked past an accident that had just happened also, some poor person on a disability scooter had just gone underneath an massive arctic lorry. Plenty of people around to assist but heard the screams etc, not good.
Another 66,000 lightning strikes in our area overnight, and a powercut to boot.

Amusingly, the 'entirely battery operated' door-chime started going off repeatedly just before (10 mins) the power came back on at 3.40am. There was no one pressing the bell button as it did.

But, the washing I hung out yesterday afternoon is dry, which is a win, as rain was nearly entirely absent.
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On day 3 of PC maintenance, final flush now and I can put coolant in later. Bored of this now.

Did you **** yourself?


If he did its like, the third best place for it. :p

I certainly did :p what's worse is I've got a panel off the wall downstairs where I had a leak at the end of last year so it could be running about downstairs :eek:
Success, skipped the salad nonsense and had a beef and bacon burger with chips instead.

Watching a bit of the .au Treasurer handing down the latest budget live on tv. It has a few good morsels for business, amongst others. It's good to see they have kicked the austerity approach to the kerb again.
Just had a go on one of these newfangled Voi e-scooters, which are on trial here in Liverpool, and I have to say that although I probably could have undertaken the same journey in an Uber for about the same price, it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as much fun. :D
Not a good day. Had a phone call from the hospital and it looks as if my old man will not be coming out as he's in need of 24hr care. Doesn't make it any easier that you're restricted in when and how you can go to see him too, have to book appointments well in advance and he's only allowed two people at a time from a list of three designated visitors. My Mum saw him yesterday and was visibly upset when she got back, apparently he's become so frail that he looks like a different person. And just to add to the stress the council are now sending around jobsworths to see how much money they can fleece from her if he's moved into a care home closer to home. At least she can't be forced to sell the house though.
It often takes a pox on 10 or more historically early and more imprecise 'philosophical' traditions to get to the actual truth (accurate scientific facts) of a matter. This is a much ignored modern reality. For practical folk, what matters most are methods and consequences.
Not a good day. Had a phone call from the hospital and it looks as if my old man will not be coming out as he's in need of 24hr care. Doesn't make it any easier that you're restricted in when and how you can go to see him too, have to book appointments well in advance and he's only allowed two people at a time from a list of three designated visitors. My Mum saw him yesterday and was visibly upset when she got back, apparently he's become so frail that he looks like a different person. And just to add to the stress the council are now sending around jobsworths to see how much money they can fleece from her if he's moved into a care home closer to home. At least she can't be forced to sell the house though.

That's a blow mate, really sorry to hear that. I didn't realise they sent the financial troops around so quickly either - heartless gits.
Having watched 3 students up close and personal go through (the trauma of) their honors theses, I'm not keen to go through it again. I'm sure its taken at least 5 years off my life.
What does a person with lots of money spend their money on and with an uncertain number of years left. Personally I’d buy a Veyron. Others would put into investments. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
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