This Instant And Moment - 2021!

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I've started seeing a personal trainer to do some general body conditioning type stuff to complement my running as a stronger core/legs will help a lot. Especially with working from home and slouching in a rubbish position most of the day.

Last 2 weeks i've got part way through the session and got a bit light headed and dizzy, it doesn't last long and i can continue but it's annoying. I'm also not using big weight dum-bells here either, like 7.5kg for curls, 15kgs for pressing etc whilst i work on getting the form right.

Last week i didn't eat prior to going (6am), and i put it down to that. This week i made sure i made time for actual food yet the same happened.

The wife made me ring the GP to get my blood pressure checked and apparently "i'm too healthy"

My resting HR is around 40ish and so it's apparently common for people with a low HR to sometimes suffer from blood pressure drops. I've also had a few episodes recently where standing up too quick has also led to dizzyness.

Hopefully that's not the end of it and something can be done as it's getting annoying!
I've started seeing a personal trainer to do some general body conditioning type stuff to complement my running as a stronger core/legs will help a lot. Especially with working from home and slouching in a rubbish position most of the day.


How does seeing a personal trainer during a national lockdown work?
My resting HR is around 40ish and so it's apparently common for people with a low HR to sometimes suffer from blood pressure drops. I've also had a few episodes recently where standing up too quick has also led to dizzyness.

Hopefully that's not the end of it and something can be done as it's getting annoying!
This is pretty relatable, I had a few dizzy spells and stuff when I was a skinny young man and eventually learned to, basically, not let myself get too hungry. Certainly if I'm doing any sort of physical work I make sure to get a lasting meal in me, seeing white and having to have a sit-down isn't much fun in the middle of a day's carpentry or something.

It still happens occasionally now I'm a pudgy 30-something though! I recently started checking my heart rate and it seems 50 is my resting level.
Aunts got covid, Mum looking like she has covid (waiting for test results) which means if she has it, I have it and Dad will have it. Should find out tomorrow. I feel 90% fine just a bit groggy, Dad no idea he never tells us how he's feeling, Mum is sat in a chair with a high fever not wanting to move.

Hopefully just a normal bug. Not sure how we would have got it, we don't go anywhere much. Main shopping gets delivered, any extra forgotten bits I get from the shop late at night when I basically have the shop to myself. Aside from that, unless my Nan is seeing people on the sly (possible) no idea.
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Aunts got covid, Mum looking like she has covid (waiting for test results) which means if she has it, I have it and Dad will have it. Should find out tomorrow. I feel 90% fine just a bit groggy, Dad no idea he never tells us how he's feeling, Mum is sat in a chair with a high fever not wanting to move.

Hopefully just a normal bug. Not sure how we would have got it, we don't go anywhere much. Main shopping gets delivered, any extra forgotten bits I get from the shop late at night when I basically have the shop to myself. Aside from that, unless my Nan is seeing people on the sly (possible) no idea.
Aww no, sorry to hear that. Hope your mum feels better soon and fingers crossed you don't get it (or if you do, it's only mild)
This is my PC when I built it 9 years ago. I have only upgraded GPU's since then, and replaced things when they have failed. (fans, and the AIO mainly)


Fast forward 9 years and it looked like this with a pair of R9 390's, the 600T is now a bit too big for my needs with equipment coming from my new job which will need to coexist on my desk, its also showing its age, every bit of plastic I touched would snap off in my hands because of over a decade of heat cycles (the case wasn't new when I built my PC!)


So first step was selling the 390's, and I bought a Zotac GTX1070 from our very own Hypernuts.


Was amused by how tiny it looks in there.

Bought a Coolermaster Q500L because it is small, fairly cheap, looks smart enough, and importantly can *just about* house a full ATX motherboard, full size PSU, two 3.5" hard drives, and a 240MM watercooler.

The only issue with them is the airflow due to the ratio of holes to metal. So I set about cutting holes in it for better airflow... Including a hole in the front, where there isn't actually a fan location due to the front placement of the PSU.


Giant bow-tie anyone?


Stuffed everything in, which believe me was no small task, especially with the AIO, the PSU being only semi-modular, wanting to put fans everywhere, use cable extensions, and keep everything tidy-ish. In fact it was a total nightmare!

There is about 0.5mm between the drain plug on the end of the radiator and the PSU bracket, and about the same again between the PSU and the fan I jammed in the front! I also had to relocate the rear fan to the exterior of the case so the pipes had somewhere to go.


But it now takes up about 50% of the space it did. Might need to put some lighting in somewhen.


This, THIS, was horrible. It took me about an hour to stuff everything in just-so that the side panel would go on and none of the connectors would be overly stressed.


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I would hate to work on phones drunk. It’s bad enough been sober never mind with a hangover. Even worse in a tech role ha!

Missed these posts somehow haha.

I've only been to work severely hung over once, and it was my first job. In tech, answering phones.

I remember being so bad that I had to ask a customer if they would mind holding for a moment, so I could nip to the gents and throw up. I felt a bit better after. :p

I drove to work that morning too in my Polo... I didn't think about it at the time but I must have still been well over the limit. :eek:

Never gone to work drunk. Ive gone to college lectures drunk though. And high. :D
Missed these posts somehow haha.

I've only been to work severely hung over once, and it was my first job. In tech, answering phones.

I remember being so bad that I had to ask a customer if they would mind holding for a moment, so I could nip to the gents and throw up. I felt a bit better after. :p

I drove to work that morning too in my Polo... I didn't think about it at the time but I must have still been well over the limit. :eek:

Never gone to work drunk. Ive gone to college lectures drunk though. And high. :D

There is nothing worse having to be on the phones get up to go to the toilets to spew after a party night. I would refuse to drink if I ever had work the next day for sure. It's really not worth it. ESPECIALLY if you can't hide!
A colleague of mine had to run off to spew half way through filming a promo piece in Vegas

I managed to be relatively well behaved, I didn't fancy 8 hours on my feet talking to people hungover
Several years back the office Xmas party was arranged on a work night. I was sensible but a lot of others weren't. Someone came in the next day late because they'd accidentally let the cat out which was now missing and their partner was livid, another seemed drunk still and no clue what was happening and the colleague in my dept spent her lunch sleeping under her desk :D

I took over arranging the parties so always made sure it was a Friday or Saturday evening lol. Can't imagine trying to work hungover, it's bad enough trying to get through work when I've not slept well :o
@Acme that's one cool beast of a box you made.

Am sitting in the car quietly melting in my own body oils after another v hot day. Mustering the strength to go hit the shower. @ 8pm.
Seriously - Has there ever been a manufacturer that can make a printer that works 100% of the time?! I'm about ready to chuck mine out the window ¬_¬'

Hate printers

I'm procrastinating over printing a postage label by browsing OCUK forums, as I know printing one page will likely be a half an hour battle of cleaning print head, fighting paper jams and changing ink.
I'm procrastinating over printing a postage label by browsing OCUK forums, as I know printing one page will likely be a half an hour battle of cleaning print head, fighting paper jams and changing ink.
They are absolutely criminal. I got a laser printer (monochrome) about 9 years ago and it's still going, doesn't dry up or clog etc.

At some point my partner started a business and adopted it, so now she pays for toner too :P though TBF, we've only ever bought 2 drums.
I have just been banned from the living room for sniggering at the images in the OCUK random images thread and ruining my wife's TV show.

On the plus side I don't have to watch some dire TV show.
Sometimes things go the wrong way!

I was annoying the wife last night and she launched a bamboo cup at my head, harder than she intended and it's cut my forehead. After the initial pain and once i'd iced the lump/stuck a plaster on i laughed it off and made jokes as is the british way. However she's really upset by it and felt terrible.

It's somehow ended up with me comforting her for attacking me and her telling me off for making jokes. How does that work!
Been staying at my partners for the last few days and just got home this morning, so there's been no heat in the house since Thurs!

Have lit the fire and now sitting here working in my hat and coat with hoodie pulled up waiting for the house to warm up! :D
Been staying at my partners for the last few days and just got home this morning, so there's been no heat in the house since Thurs!

Have lit the fire and now sitting here working in my hat and coat with hoodie pulled up waiting for the house to warm up! :D
Sounds like my everyday attire when I lived with my mum lol

It is -2°C here currently and snowing gently. Luckily managed to get the Beemer out and to the supermarket to collect my food order without sliding about though looks like my car key isn't charging anymore as I keep getting the warning on the dash when I start the car. Sigh :(
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