This Instant And Moment - 2025!

Spent the afternoon visiting mum in the care home, work tomorrow. Is about as exciting as NYD got. Oh and someone died overnight paramedics were there most of the afternoon and later had to screen off part of building to wheel out the body we presume so the residents don't get an inkling.
Well the mrs who today has spent her 50th being violently ill with a gastrointestinal bug or food poisoning (she doesn’t drink).
My candle has run out. That means it's time to cut the back lawn and hope I don't suffer a heart attack before its done.
First day back to work today, after having finishing early on the 27th November and having over a month off. Not looking forward to it at all. I hate this time of year!
Dreading work today. First day after the Christmas/New Year period that all the depts. are fully open again. It's going to be horrific. Then again, I was working in the ED yesterday and that was absolute chaos.
The car that I don’t drive has developed a leak from the OSR light, ffs.

The car that I drive on the weekend, the sunroof drains are blocked so the inside is now wet.

The car that the other half drives needs some oil and I have none left.

I didn’t want to spend this weekend playing cars, on more positive news, the skate shop is open Saturday morning so I’m going to go shopping!
Just about to rumble from Hungary into Romania

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