me likey!

those eyes on the gigabyte boxes looks like an evil entity saying 'buy me and feel the power!'
Can you say what the price differance is across the brands? Which would be the best one to get?

They are all the same.

Bar Asus as they have their own BIOS which allows for much higher clocks, but you can flash any card with the Asus BIOS and get same results.
I don't think I'm alone here when I say I both hate and love that photo.

I want one. Two. Okay, maybe three. Four? ALL OF THEM. TAKE MY MONEY. TAKE IT.
I don't think I'm alone here when I say I both hate and love that photo.

I love and hate it also, i love that they have arrived. I hate that i dont have one and probably won't be able to afford one. Especially after i spend £300 on a custom loop. Nooooo...
As interesting as this is...the 7970 is still going to be at least £100 out of the price range that most people are prepared to pay :(

Dam AMD should bring out the 7950 1.5GB already...
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You guys have far too much stock there wasting all your office space..send me a couple i have plenty of room. :D

Nice to see Club3D are still going strong,I have an ancient HD9600 Pro 256mb card made by them that still works. :D
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It seems these cards run a little on the hot side, as in the first pic it clearly shows even in the box they require 2 desk fans to keep them cool.
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