This is going to massively trigger some of our anti woke lot!...


I'm seriously getting annoyed with this now.

Whilst they might be biological females, they are not in a same sex relationship! One of them identifies as male.

FFS!!! How many times do people need telling this? 7 Billion idiots on this hell hole of a planet. Well done, thickos!

I'm so angry about this!

have I done right?
Anyone remember when the 4 main leaders or the government where all white men?

I think the thing about that is very few people "celebrated" the fact that there were a lack of ethnic minorities or women in parliament. Not in the way many of the usual suspects seem to be crowing about how happy they at the absence of "White Men" in the positions of power within Liz Truss's cabinet.

If I'd said how happy I was that there weren't any black men or asian women in parliament that would obviously be considered racist and sexist. Why are "White Men" viewed as such an appeptable target for discrimination when were those comments aimed at any other group it wouldn't be tolerated?

PS I have not objection to the same sex couple in Peppa Pig though I suspect many countries/governments outside of the UK won't take that view! :)
I think the thing about that is very few people "celebrated" the fact that there were a lack of ethnic minorities or women in parliament. Not in the way many of the usual suspects seem to be crowing about how happy they at the absence of "White Men" in the positions of power within Liz Truss's cabinet.

If I'd said how happy I was that there weren't any black men or asian women in parliament that would obviously be considered racist and sexist. Why are "White Men" viewed as such an appeptable target for discrimination when were those comments aimed at any other group it wouldn't be tolerated?

PS I have not objection to the same sex couple in Peppa Pig though I suspect many countries/governments outside of the UK won't take that view! :)

Because they have allowed themselves to be brow beaten, have innocuous turns of phrase deemed racist and intolerable and cowed down before a bullying liberal onslaught specifically designed to castrate their opinions. It's similar to de-beaking and de-spurring battery chickens, an unnatural way of forcing harmony on an unharmonious situation in an over populated environment.
Nanny Plum’s voice still haunts me and Peppa Pig is dead to me. I’ll never get those hours back thank God my kids have moved on to Scooby Do, although that is beginning to grate.
"Excluding same-sex families will teach them that only families with either a single parent or two parents of different sexes are normal."

I'll just leave that there.

Its the gift that keeps on giving.. "Normal - the usual, typical, or expected state or condition." , Checks stats.. Yep... 98.9% of familes are not same sex..

So effectively being anti-woke is a term for people that have eyes and a brain and understand reality?
Its the gift that keeps on giving.. "Normal - the usual, typical, or expected state or condition." , Checks stats.. Yep... 98.9% of familes are not same sex..

So effectively being anti-woke is a term for people that have eyes and a brain and understand reality?

Swap reality for normality and I agree 100%. This is another media backed ploy to normalise abnormality. As I have long said on these forums, legalising same sex marriages is not enough, the next step is to force acceptance of them as a normal relationship. Starting with impressionable children it seems.

I'd like to see the statistics for the mental health of kids brought up in such an environment, their school achievements, criminality and whether they go on to have abnormal relationships themselves as they get older.
I've never watched Peppa Pig.

But all the cartoons I did watch I don't remember anything about relationships.

A persons sexuality shouldn't define them. Yet we see it over and over again.
My daughter's have (since nursery) both had friends with same sex parents, neither of them even questioned it. I think it's pretty standard tbh, so it's a "no drama" decision from me.
Making people think its more common than it is by including it in every show is.
Yes over representation is a thing.
However it doesn't hurt anyone, unlike let's just say other things being pushed.
The only negative is when it's shoehorned in at the expense of the story which is done pleeenty.

For Pepper Pig? No one cares.
You could look at it as it could just be a mom and dad in the story but it's a mom and mom, no one cares as it doesn't really change anything of any importance.
Religions learned long ago that you just need to brain wash kids from an early age into accepting your ideology and it'll propagate, this is what the left are doing now
I'd like to see the statistics for the mental health of kids brought up in such an environment, their school achievements, criminality and whether they go on to have abnormal relationships themselves as they get older.

Kids arent turning into criminals because they were part of same sex couple family in it. what a bizzare take.
Early research actually suggests the opposite of your claim. The biggest factors for children not turning into gremlins is (to the surprise of absolutely anybody with a brain) the educational level and income generated of those responsible for the child.
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