This is going to massively trigger some of our anti woke lot!...

Kids arent turning into criminals because they were part of same sex couple family in it. what a bizzare take.
Early research actually suggests the opposite of your claim. The biggest factors for children not turning into gremlins is (to the surprise of absolutely anybody with a brain) the educational level and income generated of those responsible for the child.
That's some American article and it looks at a casual glance to be dated 2006. I see no mention of whether kids in homosexual families show a propensity to develop homosexual tendencies themselves.
That's some American article and it looks at a casual glance to be dated 2006. I see no mention of whether kids in homosexual families show a propensity to develop homosexual tendencies themselves.

And even if they do it's not a bad thing. Same sex couples and the childfree and going to do their part well in stemming population growth.
And even if they do it's not a bad thing. Same sex couples and the childfree and going to do their part well in stemming population growth.
You have a point but even my strong desire to see a radical decrease in population levels draws the line at social services and egg sellers giving these "couples" kids to play mummy and daddy with.
Ermm how uncommon do you think it is?

My aunt is a lesbian. One of my best friends is as well. I also have another good friend who's gay, and another who's trans.

It's pretty common.

I know plenty of gay people too, aunt, neighbours, friends, etc. But I know vastly more straight people. I'd say it's about 1-3%.

Comparing that to tv/movies, which typically have about 10 characters, and 1-2 of those will be gay - that's 10-20% - roughly 10x over-representation.
trash brainwashing kids show does trash brainwashing things, not news.

What are the kids being brainwashed about ? That gay people exist ? If they show a straight couple of pigs are they also brainwashing kids ? Or is it only brainwashing when it’s a same sex couple ? Please explain the possible negative outcomes of having a fictional same sex couple in a kids tv series ? Are you scared it’s going to turn all the kids gays ?

The only way I could understand someone thinking this was a problem is if they are against homosexuality due to their religion or something along those lines.
Because they have allowed themselves to be brow beaten, have innocuous turns of phrase deemed racist and intolerable and cowed down before a bullying liberal onslaught specifically designed to castrate their opinions. It's similar to de-beaking and de-spurring battery chickens, an unnatural way of forcing harmony on an unharmonious situation in an over populated environment.

No the life you lead and want is similar to de-beaking and de-spurring battery chickens. You want all this 'gay and race stuff' to be out of sight.
Already answered - it's over-representation.

How is it over representation? Is the show all the way you dont want (gay) or just a little be bit? Are all couples on TV now same sex or just a few like in real life?

This is as bad as those that complained there were too many black or mixed race couples in adverts. What happened to all those people?
Making people think its more common than it is by including it in every show is.
whats wrong is pushing education under the guise of entertainment.
no one cares about same sex marriages and other gay/bi/lesbian crap these days though.
the more they push it the less normal it seems...

it's totally irrelevant.

When I was a child never thought about the people in cartoons other than "people who live together" now everything has to be sexualised
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