This new lottery operator

4 Jan 2004
Finally, Swindon
The rich don’t play the lotto or think it’s a bit of fun, while the poor pour far too much into it chasing the dream, who are we to say they are idiots when it gives the hope.
V true. Years ago on these forums someone said that poorer people need hope in their lives to make the reality of the daily grind bearable. Better off people don’t need this
20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
I do the Euromillions most weeks but I will always be in credit with the lottery as 23 years ago I was in a syndicate that won some money. Not a retiring at 33 amount unfortunately, but enough that even if I lived to 100, I will never spend as much on the lottery as I have won.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
I buy the occasional euro millions ticket with no realistic expectation of winning but it is nice to spend Friday afternoon day dreaming how I’m going to spend the money and drafting my resignation email!

I feel sorry for those spending large sums weekly particularly those who can’t afford it and I would never have allowed scratch cards they are just designed to rinse people With addictions.
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3 Aug 2015
I buy the occasional euro millions ticket with no realistic expectation of winning but it is nice to spend Friday afternoon day dreaming how I’m going to spend the money and drafting my resignation email!
Yeah, I'm happy to pay £5 a week (not that I do) to play the Euromillions. That would be £260 a year if you played every week. In reality I tend to go for the >£100m draws or the ones with multiple 'millionaire maker' winners.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
Yeah, I'm happy to pay £5 a week (not that I do) to play the Euromillions. That would be £260 a year if you played every week. In reality I tend to go for the >£100m draws or the ones with multiple 'millionaire maker' winners.
Similar I have no interest in playing every week just every now and then it’s nice to dream I always play a lucky dip so I don’t have ‘my numbers’ it’s just a bit of harmless escapism and you do never know!
18 Dec 2008
There's always going to be those who take things to far, there's addiction to pretty much everything. But, does that mean anything with addicts should be banned for everyone?

The investment argument is pretty funny to me, no one should take financial advice from anyone except experts. I remember, back in the day asking if I should put my then very limited funds into Bitcoin and being told that was stupid! It was never going to be worth more than the couple of quid it was at the time and I'd be spaffing my cash up the wall etc etc. So I didn't invest. It was a gamble I, and many others didn't take and I lost out massively. It's all gambling, whether you're talking Nvidia, Disney or any other investment. It's easy to look back with hindsight and say if something was smart or stupid.

Personally, I'm going to keep playing.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
I love it when people start doing a mental gymnastics like well. If you didn't spend that £10 a month on lottery but you invested it in (hindsight thing)...

You can apply that to literally anything, well, if you didn't have a pint at the pub every week then you know that would have saved you xxx and if you put that in blah blah blah.

It's nothing more than a bit of fun, I don't play it because I think I'm going to win. I play it because it's nice to think at least I could.

Like with most things on GD people with nothing better to do sit there analysing everything far too deeply when it doesn't need to be.
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16 Feb 2006
I do set for life, about £12 a month I think it costs me. Had quite a few fiver wins off it but nothing major. Doesn't hurt me financially and if you don't have a ticket, you can't win?
Much lower odds I know but I've won a fair bit on a tech / pc "raffle" website and I very rarely spend more than £10 a week there, I'd say I'm almost certainly in profit
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22 Nov 2005
V true. Years ago on these forums someone said that poorer people need hope in their lives to make the reality of the daily grind bearable. Better off people don’t need this
sometimes I see arsonist stories in the local paper, you know the ones who set fire to their own homes and walk out etc

I wonder why they do it, then It dawned on me if you are dirt poor and live in a really crappy council property the only chance of getting something better is from burning it down.

I guess when lottery tickets are too expensive and theres no hope, fire , drugs or drink solves everything.

alcoholics even get more money on the dole and seemingly don't have to work.
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18 Dec 2008
sometimes I see arsonist stories in the local paper, you know the ones who set fire to their own homes and walk out etc

I wonder why they do it, then It dawned on me if you are dirt poor and live in a really crappy council property the only chance of getting something better is from burning it down.

I guess when lottery tickets are too expensive and theres no hope, fire , drugs or drink solves everything.

alcoholics even get more money on the dole and seemingly don't have to work.

Dude, did you forget to buy your weekly ticket once, when your numbers came up? It's a bit of fun that sometimes gets abused by people with no self control or gambling addiction, it's not a crime.

Genuinely, I mean no disrespect. It just seems like you hate the very concept of it.
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