Those "HOLY MOLY" moments...

8 Aug 2011
What's your favourite? Not just Holy Moly moments, but moments that stuck with you. Use spoilers please just in case people have not played the games.

When you get petrol poured on you and then Shepherd throws his cigar on you and you die; I was expecting to be saved. Kept thinking that Price was going to come in all guns blazing.

Bioshock Infinite -
That ending. My God. I actually bought a book about parallel universes to read on the toilet haha!

Assassins Creed -
Numerous ones for me. I'm a huge sucker for this franchise. The whole Ezio trilogy was one of my favourite in gaming. Someone mentioned elsewhere the end of Black Flag where Kenway looks around and sees the memories of all his old crew while the pirate music begins to play. It was a brilliant end to a suprisingly decent game.

Deus Ex -
I was wandering around a research facility, go into this radioactive room where I get attacked by... FRIKKIN ALIENS?!?! That was awesome

Fear -
Alma. Nuff said.

Spec Ops The Line -
White phosphorus...

Loads more that will no doubt come to me.
That one in fear as mentioned - everyone who has played it will know what I mean.

The twist in the original BioShock was still quite cool even though I'd half figured it out so wasn't totally surprised but it was still quite effective when it was revealed.

Playing the original Elite was quite eye opening for me - before that I'd never played a game that wasn't very self contained with a very linear progress - was blown away by the potential for games with an open, continuous living world, etc.

Was quite drawn into Quake 2 as well - for some reason the original game didn't do it for me the same way - but Quake 2 I found very immersive - it was actually like coming up for air when I'd finished playing.
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What's your favourite? Not just Holy Moly moments, but moments that stuck with you. Use spoilers please just in case people have not played the games.

Deus Ex -
I was wandering around a research facility, go into this radioactive room where I get attacked by... FRIKKIN ALIENS?!?! That was awesome

Pretty sure they only attack you if you attack them first? Maybe I have misremembered, but I remember them leaving me alone and in fact helping me but admittedly it has been many years since I played Deus Ex.
COD MW 1 -

The Sniper mission - One of the best missions I've ever played. So intense :)

Bioshock -

I'm still not sure if it's something that's programmed into the game or not as I've not heard anyone else experience this... but I was looking at a box in Bioshock, thought I heard something behind me so I turned and there was nothing... Turned back to the box, collected some loot, turned around and there was a splicer just standing there with his arms in the air as if to scare me. **** me up real good and I'm pretty sure I shot a full round into him after :p

Oh and the first time you see Rapture... amazing :)

GTA 4 -

I was so hyped for this game, and I'll never forget the first time I started up the game and watched the intro. I was smiling from ear to ear for ages :p

I'm sure I'll think of some more - I'll be back :p
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ELite Dangerous
Buying my first Anaconda and flying out the letter box

Elite Dangerous VR
The veru first time you try it in VR is a "Holy ****" experience (in a good way of course :D )

Brothers a tale of two sons
The whole story line from the start to end really sat with me

Resident Evil 2
On the console but when the dogs jumped through the window, I almost had a freaking heart attack
Pretty sure they only attack you if you attack them first? Maybe I have misremembered, but I remember them leaving me alone and in fact helping me but admittedly it has been many years since I played Deus Ex.

They had a bit weird AI - sometimes if you hung around near them they'd start attacking you eventually, other times they'd completely ignore you and sometimes get super amped up if you were even in the vicinity not sure if there was anything in the game that modified their behaviour based on your actions though I don't think so but I had very different results on different play throughs
My big FEAR moment was in the first expansion:

Holiday's death - holy **** that was intense!

Oh man! That really **** me up when I played that... I really had to stop playing for a little before moving on! Scary stuff!
They had a bit weird AI - sometimes if you hung around near them they'd start attacking you eventually, other times they'd completely ignore you and sometimes get super amped up if you were even in the vicinity not sure if there was anything in the game that modified their behaviour based on your actions though I don't think so but I had very different results on different play throughs

Just read a wiki page. Apparently they are openly hostile to you if you are affiliated or have helped any faction against apostlecorp in DX:IW. So I am assuming there are similar mechanics in the original somehow. It mentions interaction with helios so perhaps the answer lies there. All I seem to remember is releasing them from cages and them being friendly towards me. I left them alone and they left me alone.
Crysis -

No matter how many times I have played that game. I will always get spooked when you enter the alien ship and you just never know when one of the aliens will fly past you or attack you! Also, the moment when the fearless Colonel gets destroyed by the big alien right after he says "I'll walk on water if I have to!"
The first zombie you meet plus the cut scene in Resident Evil.
Playing command and conquer for the first time.
Loading up half life 2 for the first time on launch.
Playing the demo disc of metal gear solid 2 and seeing the graphics on the boat in the storm.
Seeing just how good quake 3 pros are for the first time.
Seeing just how good the pro teams were in cs 1.6.
Running molten core with 39 others.

Loads more...
spec ops the line:
that room in the shopping mall with the manikins and the flashing lights, whoever made that scene with the manikin randomly changing into an armoured soldier is evil, i had nightmares for months

theif remake:
it was all going swimmingly until the asylum level, the first time i've speedrun a game using a guide without completing it at least once, i still havent finished that game

uncharted drakes fortune:
your sensing a theme here, games that are normal until the appearance of freakish zombie/ghostly beings that ruin the fun i'd been having up to that point killing humans, i scare too easily

not the vanilla game, but when i first downloaded a graphical modpack i spent a solid ten minutes staring at some ants on a tree stump in riverwood thinking "holy **** this looks freaking awesome", i have had many moments in modded skyrim getting knocked senseless by the beauty of it.

kerbal space program:
not that this game isn't filled with inspirational sights, like the first time you get a ship to jool and arrive to see the moons in their splendour, but when i first watched a youtube video on it i was dumbstruck someone had made it and indeed made it so well

battlefield bad company:
my first taste of the battlefield franchise, and obviously the holy **** moment was upon my discovery you can blow up buildings, also shoutout to whoever did the audio for bad company 2, only game i've played that does the whole firing a gun indoors audio properly

assasins creed black flag
after having thoroughly enjoyed assasins creed 3 (i realise that makes me a rare breed), and being most impressed by the sailing levels, my moment was upon hearing its release that it's pirate based i was so happy, shame the actual plot was terrible but at least the gameplay was fun

call of duty-world at war:
russian, sawn off shotgun, blowing off limbs left right and centre, seriously why has cod not recaptured this? also bring back the amazing fun that was cod 3 online

far cry 2:
when my first gun broke, an amazing mechanic that should be included in more games

resistance-fall of man
i cut my teeth on the spyro and ratchet and clank franchises, and insomniac making an adult game? awesome in every way, insomniac and naughty dog are my favourite developers, shame now i've joined the master race and not bothered to keep up with consoles that i can no longer enjoy them
Red Dead Redemption (yes I know it's not a pc game but to hell with you all)

When you first cross over into Mexico and that sweet sweet music is playing
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