Those "HOLY MOLY" moments...

Seeing the first half life demo was probably the last time I was amazed to see how much things had moved on graphically.

I can still remember whatching it and thinking how cool it was.
And the final game lived up to the amazing graphics and had was a fantastic game.

I didn't own a pc fast pc before I saw that demo (couldn't afford to buy a graphics card) but I had one built to play that game.
Spec Ops The Line -
White phosphorus...

This. Probably the only time I've felt genuinely bad about something I've done in a computer game. The game lulls you into a false sense of security by being a bang average third person shooter, and then...
This. Probably the only time I've felt genuinely bad about something I've done in a computer game. The game lulls you into a false sense of security by being a bang average third person shooter, and then...

I recall reading somewhere the devs of that game were trying to simulate ptsd in players, tbf it worked.
Fallout 3

Coming out of the vault and looking over the wasteland for the first time. That was an epic momen. First time in a game I did not know what I wanted to do first
The last HOLY MOLY moment was probably finding the leaked password for the test servers on BF3 before it went out to open beta.

First time getting in Caspian Border I was very impressed.

Before that there has been quite a few but not much these days overly impresses me and I think that's as much my fault as it is for the games.
Ohhh another one would be the first time I tried the DayZ mod and spent about 2 hours with a group of friends being hunted down.

I haven't felt that on edge in a long time, making a dash across an open field and hearing shots. Being picked off 1 by 1 at night by a lake and having no idea where it came from.
Tribes - Getting your first double midair spinfuser kill

Alien Isolation - The whole experience/game

Alien vs Predator (Atari Jaguar) - The first time you meet the Alien in a vent and realise how girlie that yelp/scream was.

Star Wars Galaxies Original Pre-NGU ******** - Seeing the first Jedi walking by you at Coruscant spaceport.
Resident Evil 2
On the console but when the dogs jumped through the window, I almost had a freaking heart attack

Same for me, almost needed a trouser change playing that for the first time in the dark in the middle of the night.
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MOHAA Omaha Beach. It was basically like being in Saving Private Ryan.
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Bioshock -

I'm still not sure if it's something that's programmed into the game or not as I've not heard anyone else experience this... but I was looking at a box in Bioshock, thought I heard something behind me so I turned and there was nothing... Turned back to the box, collected some loot, turned around and there was a splicer just standing there with his arms in the air as if to scare me. **** me up real good and I'm pretty sure I shot a full round into him after :p

Oh and the first time you see Rapture... amazing :)

Same thing happened to me, truly terrifying.

Resident Evil.

When the zombie dog jumps through the window near the start of the game. And when the dead zombie on the floor grabs your foot.


This was the first PC game I played online with a 56k modem. An experience that totally changed gaming for me and the reason I upgraded to broadband internet. I probably spent the five to seven years that followed playing almost nothing but FPS games online. MOHAA, SOF 2, BF2, COD, COD UO, COD2, MW 1 and 2.


The first racing sim I played with a FFB steering wheel (Logitech MOMO) and I've been spending a fortune on sim racing ever since.

Thunder Force 2 (Sega Mega Drive)

This was the first 16bit game I played on a home console. My then brother in law turned up with a Japanese import system. The music and graphics blew me away after years of playing Sega Master System. And I still play it now and again.


If you haven't EVER played it. Go see the price of the remake or consider your morals about "abandonware". An hour of your time max will give (imo) one of the most... gutting moments in gaming. The craft poured into making the story around this is amazing. It's truly worth experiencing properly. It's... very close to being properly moving and as far as sucking the player in... I've not seen finer bait since.

If not....

So, you're a race of peoples. Just had a 100 year burst of technological brilliance sparked by the discovery of the guide stone and warp engine that prove you aren't the peoples you thought you were (and that the planet your on, isn't your original home). Every part of life (on an entire planet) is bent towards building a ship that can use the engine. One of the finest scientists of the time entombs herself in the ship to become it's living core/OS...

Another ship, which had left ~50 years earlier to act as a warp beacon to test this future crafts turns up wrecked upon testing the engine and jumping to it's beacon. Spooked, the mothership heads for "home"...

My jaw just kinda hit the floor the first time I played this. It's PERFECT game lore storytelling.
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