Thoughts on this - insight needed!

I’m an engineer. If I was applying for a job and was asked to propose a solution to a problem, I’d jump at the chance! It would be refreshing to be able to demonstrate my knowledge rather than just answering the standard questions. I wish companies would do that more, actually. It would also quickly sort those are actually interested vs the chancers.
Depends in the industry. A lot of places do use fake Job applications to get free work out of people.
I used to work in design and its was very common to do this.

Unless you sure it isn't, I would generally walk away from these "opportunities". If they are not pulling a fast one, its a inept HR department trying to raise their own profile with convoluted recruitment process'es. Lifes too short.

If you are desperate and have nothing better to do, then why not try some.
It does seem a little bit paranoid tbh.. especially if it's quite a generic exercise.

I don't see a huge issue if they're serious - in a way it's a much better filter if you really want to work for them, they get to see your work on an exercise that might give a better reflection of how you'd perhaps perform in the role than say some cognitive tests or generic interview questions "tell me about a time when...", "so what's your greatest weakness?" [insert canned/rehearsed answer here].
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