Three and Vodafone are merging!

Yeah Virgin has hopped networks and so on a few times - quite annoying as I use them for a backup phone (and previously for 4G data but ditched that due to a network change which resulted in poor signal) and a couple of times including this latest O2 merger had to change sims with the change while waiting for the actual switch over - not ideal for a backup - I need to shift that to another network but as I'm currently paying £13.29/m for unlimited everything, no speed caps, on that account I'm in no hurry to ditch it :s
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Been with Vodafone as my main/mobile contract for years now and been pretty happy, now SIM only though.
Use Smarty as my secondary SIM in my Surface Pro 9 for data and can't complain, unlimited data for less than £20 and excellent 5G speeds (better than Vodafone around here)
Been with Vodafone as my main/mobile contract for years now and been pretty happy, now SIM only though.
Use Smarty as my secondary SIM in my Surface Pro 9 for data and can't complain, unlimited data for less than £20 and excellent 5G speeds (better than Vodafone around here)
How do they manage during the fringe though, that's the real test
I’d happily take that, 3 are awful for coverage both at work and home.
Snap but for Vodafone for me. Hoping the combination of two networks might improve things at home.

Had a period last year where internet was down for 2-3 weeks due to an exchange fault, trying to WFH on 1 bar 4G with mere 100kb/s speeds was horrifying!
I’m actually with Vodafone at the moment and it’s the worst experience I’ve had on a phone network in years.

Signal is really patchy when out and about, even in built up areas. What concerns me the most is that it regularly drops back to 3G and those masts are being turned off.

I’ll be jumping ship back to EE once my 12 months is up.
I'm with 3 on mobile and 4g internet. The speed insn't brilliant but a definitely faster than the old adsl internet.
We used to get about 11/12 mbps and now 30/40.
Did it burn down?? Actually I guess it may have been due to the semi conductor shortage.

Funnily enough, it did burn down yes. :cry:

Their reasoning was because of a really bad storm they said it got hit by lightning somehow and caught alight?? Never bothered myself to walk round to look at it to be honest
It was approved on national security grounds, but not by the competition and markets authority which is a much bigger hurdle
I can’t see the CMA approving it personally.

It’s one thing going from 5 to 4 mobile networks, it’s another to go from 4 to 3. Particularly when consumers are feeling the sharp end of scummy practices at the moment like removing roaming despite them saying they wouldn’t and huge mid contract price rises.
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