Three kingdoms - Total War

22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
They also need to add more to the overall strategic gameplay on the campaign map, it doesn't need to be as intricate as the Paradox games but at least move more towards that direction.

As it stands I simply have no interest in any of R3K's aspects, and fair enough maybe it's just not for me, but that's my 2c.

heh, the moment started playing HOI4, CK2 and EU4 three years ago, Total War series feels shallow and meh...... So stopped buying them.
The only TW game that worth my time still is Napoleon. 9 years later is the most enjoying TW. And I have them all since Shogun 1.
11 Feb 2011
My guess is it didn't get cracked but they made the mistake of updating it or sharing a Non D Version with a 3rd Party ? so all the files where easy to bypass.

Quite likely actually. Anno 1800 has gone well over a 100 days without being cracked/byassed and that uses the same version of protection afaik.

Anyhoo, tried it for 10 minutes - uninstalled.

I need to stop kidding myself. The TW series is dead to me and has been since MTW2 (Napoleon was good also just not my cup of tea).
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
Quite likely actually. Anno 1800 has gone well over a 100 days without being cracked/byassed and that uses the same version of protection afaik.

Anyhoo, tried it for 10 minutes - uninstalled.

I need to stop kidding myself. The TW series is dead to me and has been since MTW2 (Napoleon was good also just not my cup of tea).

TW hasn't progressed well through the ages. Maybe due to the engine been the same over the last 10 years (TW Engine 3 used since Empire TW).
Maybe because is really really shallow game if compared with it's competition from EU4 & CK2.

20 years worth of TW gameplay hours (from Shogun 1 to Warhammer 2) are now dwarfed by the hours have clocked in EU4 since March 2018, in just more than a year, or CK2 since April 2017.
11 Feb 2011
TW hasn't progressed well through the ages. Maybe due to the engine been the same over the last 10 years (TW Engine 3 used since Empire TW).

It's not the so much the engine or the shallowness of the games compared to Paradox titles for me, its the lame arcade like changes they've made.

For instance, the animation of projectiles is just a complete deal breaker. I know this its nothing new, but really wtf is the retarded jetstream behind arrows in flight? They look like mini comets ffs.

Or how about the generals.

You'll remember in the older titles, they developed their traits based on what YOU did with them in the game. Like when a general won multiple battles when they're outnumbered they'd develop a trait refelecting that experience, and thus the 'good when outnumbered' trait was gained. They could gain a whole tonne of stuff dependent on how they performed, and it was this mechanic that helped made its predecessors so immersive.

But what happens in their more modern titles? You level them up like its a ******* RPG choosing super-powers alongside weapons/armour and probably other dumb **** I haven't seen. I can see an argument for this in Warhammer, to some degree, but in any historical title it is just ruinous.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
It's not the so much the engine or the shallowness of the games compared to Paradox titles for me, its the lame arcade like changes they've made.

For instance, the animation of projectiles is just a complete deal breaker. I know this its nothing new, but really wtf is the retarded jetstream behind arrows in flight? They look like mini comets ffs.

Or how about the generals.

You'll remember in the older titles, they developed their traits based on what YOU did with them in the game. Like when a general won multiple battles when they're outnumbered they'd develop a trait refelecting that experience, and thus the 'good when outnumbered' trait was gained. They could gain a whole tonne of stuff dependent on how they performed, and it was this mechanic that helped made its predecessors so immersive.

But what happens in their more modern titles? You level them up like its a ******* RPG choosing super-powers alongside weapons/armour and probably other dumb **** I haven't seen. I can see an argument for this in Warhammer, to some degree, but in any historical title it is just ruinous.

Completely agree with you. :(

Also consider the sheer cost of the TW games with all DLCs over the last 7 years.
EU4 with all DLCs is cheaper in the same period. hell is cost me £80 up to now for everything, and £70 for the CK2.

TWW2 alone cost me £90 for the special edition, while it's price was £60 on release date.
And haven't played more than 30 hours of it, against over 1000 hours in EU4 in just 16 months.
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22 Oct 2004
I really quite like it, managed to win my 1st campaign as cao cao by getting lots of ally's and starting wars with his ability. Steamrolled the two other wanna be emperor's with 5 stacks plus my ally's keeping everyone else busy.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
They diversified? The staff i remember having a huge arguement with then over Shogun 2 when they made a huge downgrade in prep for a new game on the same engine. It was going to mess with the new game but broke textures in the original. After this is really started to go downhill. Not much changed and a lot of the staff started to seemingly melt away.

I think they lost some good older people, And the last time i paid attention it was basically girls being shown, Loads of new hipster devs etc this is where the arcade child gameplay and downhill slide really gathered pace. Are girls on the dev team? I mean no offence but normally men are left to do the fighting and dying it had always been a female luxury to have the men do the dirty work. And now they are probably making up a fair amount of the team brcause of derp derp diversity. This is what i think anyways it is happening to a lot of franchises and industrys where now they hire based on talent and quota and not talent. Otherwise they would sack a lot of the dummys and look to the community for more Lusted types.

It would be pretty easy to make an amazing game, Roll back to Napoleon and Shogun and fix what was wrong. Just imagine the sheer potential that game could have had with all the development time since then? Instead they wasted all that time with failure after failure and generally bad games like Rome 2. Napoleon and Shogun are actually so good i am looking forward to getting a 2080ti soon and finally being able to see it in the glory of 4k and i already have 600hrs in Shogun alone. :)
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28 Oct 2011
Pretty similair to many, got tired of TW after the Rome 2 debacle, I'm not sure if I'd even heard of Paradox until I found them, started with HOI3 put 700 hours into that, moved onto EUIV and i've got nearly 2800 hours on that, it's both the most expensive and most cost-effective game I've ever bought with all the DLC I've scratched the surface with CKII, and i've played IR for 70 or so hours but that clearly needs another 6 months in the oven at least. All in all PDS makes better games than the TW series, even if they are a different genre, that said I will play 3 Kingdoms at some point, and I will go back and played modded TW again, in particular the 1212 mod for Atilla if it ever gets finished.

Once the battles stopped being fun in TW it was dead to me really, I used to have amazingly close battles that were completely immersive in modded TW games, so much fun. I don't mind the superhero style of the Warhammer games but to introduce then into historical titles? nah, as many have said the depth has disapeared is favour of appealing to the masses who just want a change from Battlefield and Fifa.
17 Apr 2009
I really like the Warhammer games (WHII's loading/end turn issues aside).

Three Kingdoms hasn't really hit the mark at all for me though. It's just... boring.
21 Sep 2010
You can actually turn the superpowered heroes off and play records mode, this gives the generals just a bodyguard units like all other historic total wars. You can also turn off arrow projectiles aswell just like in every other total war.

3 kingdoms has its faults for sure, I think cavalry is overpowered and so are Trebs plus arrow towers are devastating, more in your favour than ai.

It’s still the best vanilla historic total war experience though, it’s also the most challenging in my opinion on legendary and the best optimised.

Warhammer 2 is still my favourite total war just because of all different factions and how they play different but 3 kingdoms campaign ai is another level and a very close 2nd.
29 Aug 2013
Im loving it so far but as with most modern Total war games I get bored of it after 1-2 campaign runs. Still only halfway through my first campaign as Liu Bei, been a cakewalk so far barely have to worry about public order/food/income. As a Dynasty Warriors fan I like all the characters too, need to see if I can get Lu Bu on second run.
Second playthrough will be on legendary for sure.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
Pretty similair to many, got tired of TW after the Rome 2 debacle, I'm not sure if I'd even heard of Paradox until I found them, started with HOI3 put 700 hours into that, moved onto EUIV and i've got nearly 2800 hours on that, it's both the most expensive and most cost-effective game I've ever bought with all the DLC I've scratched the surface with CKII, and i've played IR for 70 or so hours but that clearly needs another 6 months in the oven at least. All in all PDS makes better games than the TW series, even if they are a different genre, that said I will play 3 Kingdoms at some point, and I will go back and played modded TW again, in particular the 1212 mod for Atilla if it ever gets finished.

Once the battles stopped being fun in TW it was dead to me really, I used to have amazingly close battles that were completely immersive in modded TW games, so much fun. I don't mind the superhero style of the Warhammer games but to introduce then into historical titles? nah, as many have said the depth has disapeared is favour of appealing to the masses who just want a change from Battlefield and Fifa.

Another one who saw the light :D
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland

Originally posted by CA Ella:
I figured I'd chip in at this point (especially considering the number of times posts in this thread have been reported - warnings have been distributed in the meantime, but these could become bans in accordance with Steam community guidelines).

Ignoring the fact that this thread is bait more than anything, I don't think you can really maintain a credible discussion about historical accuracy if your starting point is "did they hire some women at CA to feminize the whole franchise?" and you're throwing around "triggered" and "♥♥♥♥" a few posts later.

If the games' content upsets you, you're free to either find a mod to make it as you would like or simply not play.

Closing this thread now as it's getting off topic.

Just thought i would do some digging around on my favourite game series which was hijacked and ruined by pink haired sjws. Look at the video above i bet this is literally half the development team, A rainbow of green blue and pink smurfs. Looks like another dead franchise i best hope Nap and Shogun 2 last me until i die! I really love the quote by the female CA developer though we made the series and she comes along with her friends and claims we are free to leave! The sheer low IQ audacity triggeres me no end. Why do THEY not leave and suck dry a original franchise? Oh wait they have none! Also notice all the usual SJW traits like bans against free speech and discussion of any topics they may not like?
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28 Jan 2008
Considering buying this as its on cdkeys black friday for 17.99 but am a touch concerned about the mixed opinions I see on it around the web

I bought it on release and while I quite enjoyed it I never really got far in any of the campaigns I started. There's not a lot of unit diversity so no matter what faction you play it's all pretty much the same. For that reason I ended up buying Warhammer 2 and not touched Three Kingdoms since, to be honest since end of august until about a week ago I pretty much exclusively played Warhammer 2 only. Back to Rimworld now. :)
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
I bought it on release and while I quite enjoyed it I never really got far in any of the campaigns I started. There's not a lot of unit diversity so no matter what faction you play it's all pretty much the same. For that reason I ended up buying Warhammer 2 and not touched Three Kingdoms since, to be honest since end of august until about a week ago I pretty much exclusively played Warhammer 2 only. Back to Rimworld now. :)

TWW2 is more fun than any other TW for a very very long time.

Three Kingdoms is same to Shogun, limited options, hence didn't got it neither Britannia.
Rather play EU4.
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