Threshold (Sky One series)

The americans didnt even get to watch the last 4 episodes they got up to the one with the 3 women aliens in it! but yeah there is definitley no 2nd season unless someone throws a hell of a lot of money at it!......and on the galactica subject there is no chance on this earth that they can can that show it truly does rock hard!:)
Exentia said:
and on the galactica subject there is no chance on this earth that they can can that show it truly does rock hard!:)

I think that's why I don't miss any new Star Trek not being on TV at all. With BG on it's just far superior to anything they had produced in the last few years.
I was hooked by Threshold from the first episode - really enjoyed it.
It was supposed to be the first series of three, the next series being called "Foothold" and I cannot remember what the final one was to be called.
It was cancelled before the US had even seen the whole series for that usual great reason "Bad viewing figures".
Although we all know that it usually goes something along the lines of:

"Ah, new series, let's give it a Prime Time slot".

The said series is shown at 9:00pm on the Friday, the best slot for sci-fi shows in the US (apparently, or whenever the best time is that is when Threshold was first shown).
The viewers like it, the reviewers like it, we get good reviews in the UK, we all look forward to it.
"Right, now it is time to move it after only two weeks to a new slot - I'm sure we'll keep the viewers. We need to make room for yet another series".

And so the program is moved from it's prime time slot to make room for the next big thing. Viewing figures drop, but are still good, there is a general warning about dropping figures, but all is well.

"Time for a move around again as the next big thing now needs a different slot as we are starting yet another new series that requires that prime time slot".

Threshold is moved to some obscure time of the night, viewing figures fall due to people not knowing when it is on or simply not being able to watch it or finding it on too late.

"I'm sorry to announce that the series is cancelled"

The US actually didn't get to see I think it was the final three episodes, they certainly didn't see the final two.
TV companies in the UK can be just as guilty - moving programs around and then wondering why viewing figures drop, it's crazy.
I thought there were 13 episodes filmed and the us only saw the first 10 but there was a 14th written but not made which is why the ending didn't really wrap anything up.

The thing that annoys me is that Sky knew before they showed it is that it was cancelled and still promoted it heavily even though they knew it would end like this.
I don't normally watch, things like this, never watched 24, lost etc. I gave Threshold a chance and it was just getting good, i actually said to my mrs the other day (she doesn't watch it) "Threshold is getting good" :(
malfunkshun said:
John Doe, best sci fi show for years imo, did just that.

Don't get me started on that :mad: One of my favourite shows, didn't realise it was cancelled when I saw the final episode with that cliffhanger and was really looking forward to the next series and found out that was it :(
anyway as i said earlier, i knew this show was getting axed before it was shown on UK airtime, was strange why Sky showed it as they knew as well

As for Invasion its abit weird and nothing seems to be happening could go the same way if its not to carefull.

Surface is my current new fav Sci-Fi show along with Battlestar Galaticia, SG1 and Atlantis
I was bloody gutted yesterday to hear the show was cancelled. I really enjoyed the show and it was getting better as time went on with one getting to know the characters.

What annoys me is that there is a lot of crap shows still on and everytime a good one comes into play, it gets shot.

I know there is a huge bombardment of emails etc sent to the TV station that cancelled the show and who knows, next year it might be back.

I'm really gutted.

I hope Sky One's 'Bones' doesn't get cancelled next or I'll shoot myself.
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Swinehog said:
anyway as i said earlier, i knew this show was getting axed before it was shown on UK airtime, was strange why Sky showed it as they knew as well

As for Invasion its abit weird and nothing seems to be happening could go the same way if its not to carefull.

Surface is my current new fav Sci-Fi show along with Battlestar Galaticia, SG1 and Atlantis

Not heard many other people mention "Surface".
I'm loving that too.
if you recall, Babylon 5 was once cancelled and look how many episodes that went on 2 do. Don't know if I am right on this but wasn't there talk of a new film for next year.
I quite liked Threshold too and knew about it getting cancelled when it started showing but kept watching anyway, found it was pretty good but lost a bit of interest halfway through then started to like it more again.

Its annoying they keep doing this to good shows, surely as long as they have subscribers and a show doesn't do terrible they can keep it going, i think they're too obsessed with having high viewing figures and should stop messing around with show times, its crazy that they do!

Possible spoiler...

I was wondering if the report confirmed what the main infected guy said to be true or false?, not sure if i missed that bit. :confused:
Oh yeah thats a good point but if you remember J.T. gave it a funny look like it was true, i find it a bit odd why they never bothered to give us the answer.
As I said earlier, they wrote another episode so this was never meant to be the last one so I'd imagine a lot more would have been revealed.
didn't watch Threshold but they did the same with Tue calling :( just when it was starting to get intresting in season 2 they pull the plug and only make 6 epps insted of 20ish.
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