Throne and Liberty

Is anyone still playing this? I'm up to level 50 now and have to say the levelling process although pretty easy (am sure I did 2 levels at once a couple of times) was good fun. Now I'm completing all the exploring quests for the various zones and also trying to complete the levelling log. What I am struggling with is gear and the completely confusing way in which I can actually get some, I'm still rocking green and blue stuff which doesn't really have the best stats or traits for me it's just I've not found any upgrades. I can't unlock or transfer traits because I have never seen more than 1 of the same very limited items. I'm getting insta-gibbed in the dungeons due to poor gear, the 3 times I've tried the first 50 co-op dungeons we didn't even manage to kill the boss. Now I don't mind working hard for my gear but this is ridiculous at the moment, am I just doing something wrong or are they trying to force you down the Auction House route?
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I'm playing in a guild with friends. They are all 2500+ combat score but i'm only 1900. I don't play as much as them so it's harder to keep up. I usually get killed in the guild bosses we do.
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