Tiger Style: Build log

Wow, love that colour scheme - a PC i could only dream of :(

EDIT: Whats the name of the first song in the video?
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I think this project has failed TBH, That's a lot of materials to dispose of and i'm happy to get rid of it for you. But just so you know I wont be chasing this up so if you dont contact me I wont be going out of my way to get this sent to me for disposal.

Good luck with your next build, or maybe its time just to let some else do the building?
I got invited to sumbit some pics to milliondollarpc.com which is pretty much the best compliment a PC modder can get but never bothered as I changed the rig by changing the mobo and then everything else got changed until I ended up with a PC that no longer esembled the spec in the Tiger Style build.

I'm currently in the middle of a new build so the Tiger has gone to a new home.

Thanks for all your kind comments guys.
So while waiting for my hardware to arrive I decided to crack on and do a mini mod. The stock UFO comes with really bright blue LED's on the front panel. While these do look nice blue didn't match my rig this time around nor did I plan n burning my retinas any longer so I decided to go with orange LED's.

Heres a shot of the blue ones with the original 'chrome effect' holders next to my planned orange led's and balck holders:


I want as little bare metal/chrome as possible on this rig so think I will be going with the black holders this time around.


Rather than solder the led's onto a wire (and then strip it down again when I next change my rig!), I put a motherboard header on both ends of the case wire so the leds can be easily swapped if I dont like em.


Congrats on a fantastic looking rig w3bbo :), just wondering if you know the spec of these led's ?, I want to change my original power/reset U2-UFO led's to red led's but i'm not sure about voltages or if I would need to use resistors?
They were 3.3v 5mm LED's iirc. You shouldn't need to use resistors tbh m8 as they are powered off the motherboard. You only need to use resistors if you are powering them from molex.
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