This thread is pretty confusing to me so I hope you don't mind if I ask some Time Capsule For Dummies questions please.
I have 2 PC's in my office using a netgear router and shared printer. I have a Macbook which I use on the wireless network but haven't worked out how to access the shared printer. I have no backup procedure at present.
So..... I am probably going to replace 1 PC with an iMac so I will have
1 iMac
1 Macbook
1 PC
1 Printer
I am thinking about buying this Time Capsule. Questions....
Can it back up files on all 3 computers?
Can it be used as a shared drive so that all computers can access these files?
Will I be able to use my Netgear router as the modem?
Will all computers be able to access the printer? Does it plug in to the Time Capsule?
This would resolve the problem of computer failure and loss of data. However, if it is in my office with the computers it doesn't solve the problem of fire. Apart from removing it every day can anyone offer any ideas how I can have remote backup storage too?
Any help greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.