I'm at a bit of an impasse you see, for I wish to convey the message that I do not especially care, but posting gives the impression of caring to some degree. I therefore would like to take the rest of this post as an opportunity to assure you that I in fact do not care, and am only posting because it's 3am and I'm trying to put off getting ready for bed. Normally I simply would express my apathy by not posting, however I feel like occasionally I should make people aware of just how apathetic I am. Now, "Lightnix", you might start, "You seem strangely enthusiastic and this post is awfully verbose - maybe you do care," and well my friend you would be wrong. It is merely the case that I am enthusiastic about you knowing that I do not care, not that I am interested in any way about the actual topic of this thread (whatever that may be, I have simply skimmed over it - I am under the impression that there may be some soft porn on the way, under which condition I might be tempted to change my stance on the situation from 'bored' to 'slightly aroused', although that is subject to the goods being delivered, so to speak). You might then continue "but why even bother posting then?" and as I mentioned previously, I am rather conscious of how apathetic I come across, and if you don't know that I am being apathetic, I might as well not bother. Anyway, I hope this clears that up.