"Time to Get Shreddies" Log

Had a sports massage yesterday for general maintenance to keep me from snap city, and it was biuriful!

She said my shoulder is in a much better position than it was when I originally went and is sitting in the correct position now, whereas before it was always being pulled forward. She said the mass in my chest, and especially the shape had improved a lot, because I was now able to use them properly rather than be all shoulders in pressing movements.

Still says I have very tight lats, but has given me some exercises to do at home to improve until my next appointment when she'll attack them properly

Highly recommend getting regular sports massages done if you're training a lot

Read "lats" as "ass". Out. Just kidding. In to the hinge!
£45 for an hour, which is quite expensive compared to some in the area, but she really is good. Explains everything she is doing and is always good at sending me material in between appointments to help with other stuff

Plus she's pretty hot
Don't get your lats done... the tendonous bit that runs under the scapula and the base insertion will have you in tears if the masseur/euse gets their elbows/thumbs in there.
Yeah, she did have a quick prod yesterday before I left and it was ****** painful! So I'm not looking forward to it!

But she said I'll probably get some width back after as they are just so tight now that they're not flaring properly, and I'll take pain for some free gains
£45 for an hour, which is quite expensive compared to some in the area, but she really is good. Explains everything she is doing and is always good at sending me material in between appointments to help with other stuff

Plus she's pretty hot

That's a pretty standard price for a decent one round here so not bad for you Southerners.
How does it feel crying infront of a hottie?
How did yo fix your shoulder Stoods? My right shoulder is seemingly permanently forward and slightly down from mousing all day (srs). No matter how much I try and improve my rear delts/rhomboids to try and hold it back better it never really improves.
Fixed a weakness in my traps, got plenty of sports massages and did lots of stretches/exercises to loosen my pecs :) also had it taped a couple of times which was good at forcing it back
Gonna finally man up and see a sports dude, have been stubbornly training around it for about a year now (still cracked a 120kg bench nah mean!) but It's stupid. Just hope it doesn't take too many sessions.
Gonna finally man up and see a sports dude, have been stubbornly training around it for about a year now (still cracked a 120kg bench nah mean!) but It's stupid. Just hope it doesn't take too many sessions.

I'm in the same boat since dislocating mine at Christmas it's seems to be deteriorating sharpish, after nearly 4 years of behaving itself :(
Thursday: Shoulders/Biceps

DB Press - 22kg x15, 30kg x10x4
Side Laterals - 14kg x15x5
OHP - 45kg x12x3
Rear Cable Fly - 25kg x12x3
Face Pull - 50kg x10x2
Standing DB Curl - 16kg x12x4
Seated Hammer Curls - 18kg x8x3
Bar Curls - 20kg x15x5
Friday: Quads

Walking Lunges - BW x30x2, 24kg x20x3, BW x30
Paused Squats - 100kg x10x8
Adductor Machine - 70kg x25x3
Smith Hack Squats - 80kg x10x3
Leg Extensions - 60kg x15x3

Sunday: Hamstrings/Calves

Hamstring Curls - 30kg x15x2, 35kg x12x2, 40kg x10, 45kg x10, 30kg x15
SLDL - 70kg x10x5
DB SLDL - 26kg x12x2
Standing Calf Raise - 50kg x15x5, 100kg x6x5
Monday: Chest/Triceps

High Incline DB Press - 22kg x12, 28kg x12, 32kg x10x3
Cable Crossover - 30kg x12x4
High Incline Bench Press - 90kg x10x3
Flat Bench Press (4 second negative, 4 second positive) - 70kg x8x3
Cable Pulldown - 20kg x15x2, 25kg x10x3
Skullcrushers - 30kg x10x3
Overhead Cable Extensions - 25kg x12x2
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