Time Traveller Caught on 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?

12 monkey's ?

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Don't know about anyone else but I certainly don't hold my phone like that..

Looks more like she's rubbing her ear/face or something. :p

Of course, not saying it's a mobile phone (btw, if anything, quite clearly Nokia 6210 - who's with me ;) High five. ) - but I think you guys missed the point about 1924 hearing aid. The aid in Siemens picture is the metal device lady holds to the edge of her temporal bone. Device held by gentleman is a carbon microphone. It is round. And it would be connected with a thick lead wire to rather large suitcase. None of which is featured or attached to the lady in Chaplin footage. If she's talking to the microphone or listening to the aid - who is she talking to - where is the suitcase carrier attached with the wire. Plus in 1924 this "tech" was barely in patent stage.

So.. how about this - an old, ugly lady with a bit of otitis media, walking around with compress or flask of hot water to her ear and moving her jaw because it feels clogged/tinnitus.
If it were a mobile phone, where would the satelites etc be as they wouldn't have been invented!!! lol
i'm sure this has been asked before but if it was a time traveller, why has none else gone back in time with a pair of scissors and cut those few frames out of the reel?
Technology bloggers among the video's hundreds of thousands of viewers said the device was probably a new type of hearing aid invented by Siemens in 1924, which replaced the old ear trumpets with a carbon microphone linked to an electromagnetic diaphragm that vibrated close to the listener's ear.
If they can time travel and are able to use trans-temporal communications devices, why on earth would they need to hold anything, it could be jacked straight into the human body;):p

For those of you suggesting that "technological devices" could be implanted directly into the body in order to communicate - although this technology will exist (and perhaps already does), how many people would like this done to them?

We live in 2010 and only "technological devices" which we have clamped into/onto our body are prosthetic limbs, hearing devices, pace-makers, metal plates etc. And these devices are very much as a last resort and relate to medical conditions.

Yes, in 2010 or 2110, they could very well have implants, but very few humans would be happy to them implanted into them.

Humans of 2010, in general, do not like the idea of implanting foreign objects into their bodies and do so only if it improves their physical appearance or is a medical requirement.

It is not beyond the realms of possibility that time-travelers (if they will ever exist), should bring communication devices with them. In fact, it seems almost a given that a time traveler will bring a communication device with them.

With regards to the lack of phone masts - in a century or 2, it may well be possible to use communication devices which do not require masts. It may be possible to link 2 communication devices, directly, with a built-in mast.
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Why was he dressed like he was from that time? And how was he talking on the phone if obviously no receptive towers had been built at the time? And who was he talking on the phone that obviously was in an area that had receptive towers even thou they haven't been built yet? Was it a phone that can speak with people from the future? Kinda like the South Park prank a person from the past phone?

Very odd.
Technology bloggers among the video's hundreds of thousands of viewers said the device was probably a new type of hearing aid invented by Siemens in 1924, which replaced the old ear trumpets with a carbon microphone linked to an electromagnetic diaphragm that vibrated close to the listener's ear.

Why would anybody, who is walking on a street, want to hold a hearing aid up close to their ears?

The only time they would make the effort to hold a hearing aid to their ear, is when they are trying to hear something/someone (eg. if having a conversation). It's pretty clear that she isn't having a conversation with anybody around her. She is definitely talking though.

She may be simply talking to herself.
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