Tinnitus who suffers from it

30 Apr 2003
Just wondering who suffers from tinnitus, i've had it best part of 20 years and grown use to it to the point were i hardly notice it, mine was brought on with to many gigs and clubs when i was younger.

The sound i hear is a high pitch whistle, though it can be a different for other people.

so if you suffer from it

How long have you had it for?
What brought it on?
Does it bother you anymore?
And what sound do you hear?
I've been curious about this for a while... do you have this sound CONSTANTLY?

I occasionally get a high pitched noise in the ears, but it goes away after a minute or so. Do Tinnitus sufferers hear this all the time?
I have it, got it around 12 months ago when i was at a Night Club in Newcastle. Normal Drum and bass night that i'd been too many times before. Came out with the normal ringing ears, but woke up in the morning and couldn't hear for the next couple of days. I always looked at people strange who were wearing ear plugs, turns out they were the sensible ones... Never go there without them anymore.

Had the faint ringing ever since, only notice it in dead silence and it doesn't really bother me at all.

Pestilence, yes it's a constant ringing, but like i said, i can only hear it in silence.
Yip 24/7 but i know of the sound you mean, it's in my case nowere near as bad as that but people do get that sound if not worst.
I get a high pitched dull whine, have done for the past 7 years due to excessively loud music thru speakers and more so heavily amped headphones.
All the time. Multiple tones. One of which i describe that sounds like morse code in my ear. And another one thats a high pitched constant whine
After most nights out I get it. I might have it normally but I only notice it when I'm lying in bed and at Uni something in the house hums so its not really quiet enough to know.
Had it for about 10 years, probably loud music/earphones, it bothers me when it's quiet and it's a high pitch noise, akin to that you hear in games after a flashbang goes off, BUT FOR 10 YEARS.

To sleep I need white noise of some sort, good thing I keep my PC on 24/7.
Mine started about 2 years ago, lasted for about 18 months on and off, and hasn't happened since. It got worse when I started using headphones more frequently, but oddly I use them more than ever now, and it's stopped. :confused:
Yeah, Ive got it right now :)
Kinda like a dog whistle, just on the edge of my hearing range. I think it's there most of the time. Doesn't bother me particularly. Probably got it through too much loud music when I was younger, and latterly from riding motorbikes.
Had it for ages, at least 7 years +. Never got any help for it. Its a very, very high pitched noise, simular to the high pitched noise you can hear when you turn on CRT television/monitor. I remember in electronics back in school days cranking up the frequency on an oscilloscope and playing it back through a speaker.

Its extremely irritating and is worse when im in a quiet environment, or particularly stressed. I lie in bed at night and its never 'quiet'. Drives me crazy.
1) How long have you had it for?
2) What brought it on?
3) Does it bother you anymore?
4) And what sound do you hear?

1) As long as I can remember
2) Don't know
3) Only hear it in a quiet room, ie just before going to sleep, so mostly not. Can keep me awake sometimes though.
4) High pitched whistle

Also when there's a loud bang that I didn't expect then I get another lower pitched whistle and often a wierd pattern that takes up all of my vision field. Stays until I shake my head slightly. It's like a computer crash. I reckon my issues are connected. :(
I've been curious about this for a while... do you have this sound CONSTANTLY?

I occasionally get a high pitched noise in the ears, but it goes away after a minute or so. Do Tinnitus sufferers hear this all the time?

Yes, pretty much sums it up. I've got the ring in my ears from playing drums when I was younger without any ear protection - I suppose all the members in my old bands have it as well! I started using closed-cup headphones when playing drums at around the age of 18 and it's got much better now, I mainly hear it when trying to sleep at night or when it's really quiet.
I've good it quite badly in my left ear, although severity does vary. It's either from neck damage or could possibly be an allergic reaction to mould which is another cause I believe. Also, I listen to music on headphones all day so could be that. It's a constant annoying high pitched whine.
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How long have you had it for?

Since being a teenager (41 now) so around 30 years. Originally, I thought it was normal background noise that everyone heard only found out later after an ear infection it was tinnitus.

What brought it on?

Do not know exactly, most likely listening to radio/music at varying degrees of loudness in bed for hours using a pair of Dixons' finest headphones with incorporated radio.

Does it bother you anymore?

Nope, never did.

And what sound do you hear?

High pitched whistle.
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