Tinnitus who suffers from it

I must have ears of steel because since 1970 I've been gigging in front of powerful amps and always stood in front of the drummer.
Since the late 80s I've worn in ear monitors and have to have them so loud so I can hear over the band.
In 1974 I started in Engineering and was always around loud machinery and of course since 1971 I've been to see some of the loudest rock bands in the world and always favoured standing in front of one of the speaker columns.
The only problem I have is that I'm deaf in my right ear (hereditary problem) at low volumes but once the volume reaches a certain level I have perfect stereo hearing and for a 53 year old I actually have above average hearing.
When I come home from gigging I do have a natural low windy hum in my ears but by time I wake up it's gone.
I've been lucky for some reason.
I've had tinnitus in my right ear for the last 18 months. Its a very low pitched loud, but continous. Origingally I got it when very stressed at work, but it faded out, and I assumed it was due to an ear infection or something.
They it came back, and I had MRI scans and hearing tests. Its there all the time, but the volumne level changes. Sometime I can only hear it when its quiet, others I can hear it above the volumne of the telly. On the loud days it stops me sleeping. I've not found a particular trigger for when its worse; tireness definitely results in it getting louder, as does alcohol. Unfortunately cutting it out doesn't make the tinnitus go away.
ive had it as bad as i have it now for as long as i can remember, although ive always had problems with my ears. since a very young age, i used to complain of being able to hear a bell ringing all the time (which turned out it was tinnitus) no one knew what it was at the time though.

my hearing is perfect, i can hear even the slightest of noises. although the ringing is still there.

one day i'm hoping for a cure for tinnitus and deafness. :)

edit: just read this very interesting article..

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My tinnitus 'arrived' in January this year - for no apparent reason whatsoever. Ive always had really good hearing and have never really abused my hearing over prolonged periods. One day i woke up with this constant high pitched whine in my ears - like a flashbang in BF2. Its not tooooo loud - just persistent. I have been to the docs to confirm that its not related to any infection or whatever - apparently not, its just one of those things.

My tinnitus can be drowned out by background noise and therefore couldnt be classed as detracting from my quality of life massivley. I sleep with a fan though, this really helps to distract my attention from it. Hope it doesnt get any worse as its ******* a pain in the arse
How long? most of my life (worse over the last 8 years)

What brought it on? dunno - no-one can diagnose why, but goes along with the MAV
Does it bother me? occasionally when the cannons/trains start going off
What sound? normal is a high pitched whistle- but interspersed with explosions/roaring/sound of metal balls falling down stairs/low-frequency thumps... can get quite interesting!
Typical, headphones break this morning and have to use earphones with no volume control, hate having to software control it for individual programs :p My ears gonna hate me for this.
I have had it for few years now, i mostly forget i have it until i try to sleep at night.
Perhaps i should have worn my ear defenders in the army or the army should have supplied us with decent ear defender that you can fit under your helmets.
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I also have it in my left ear, had a brutal ear infection a while ago, resulting in many failed courses of anti-biotics, then a burst ear drum, then an operation to drain my ear canal to avoid possible brain injury :S

Can only really hear it in silence, somethings a high frequency noise will make it worse but then disappear.
Sorry what was that again?:(

Yeah I've got it quite severely. My fault for being a volume whore over the years. It sounds like the very high pitched sample towards the middle of this sequence.

I have it, got it around 12 months ago when i was at a Night Club in Newcastle. Normal Drum and bass night that i'd been too many times before.

Which place was this? Just want a heads up so that I can be more aware if I do go to this place. I've ended up next to the speakers in digital quite a few times. Not the best place to be really!

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Ive had Tinnitus since forever in both ears and is something ive just learned to live with. Apparantly was caused by a late diagnosis by the doctor when I was very young.

It come and goes in intensite and is often multi tone. Its worse when blood pressure is running high or I have a cold. (Pulsating Tinnitus) This adds an additional swooshing type sound in time to your pulse. while its great to hear you alive, can cause mild panic for the few momments it cuts out for whatever reason ;)

It doesnt stop me from sleeping (exept maybe quality of sleep?) If I zone out by consentrating on something else , it limits the intensity of the tones which makes it easy to watch tv and such without tones getting in the way. only expeption to this is if the external sound is loud, it makes the tinnitus worse.

Addthis to the frequent gromet, mastoidectomy and perfarated eardrum operations ive had over the years, its a wonder I can hear at all ;)
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Which place was this? Just want a heads up so that I can be more aware if I do go to this place. I've ended up next to the speakers in digital quite a few times. Not the best place to be really!


You've got it in one. Digital, the loudest sound system in North East courtesy of the Funktion One system they have there. You've seen the stacks, you know how powerful they are haha.

Tip for the future, go to the cloakroom, they've got a box with packs of earplugs there that you can dip and take a few for free :)
I've suffered with Tinnitus for 15+ years now but just in one ear. Sometimes I notice it gets louder but most of the time I have just learnt to adapt and now it does not bother me so much. At night is the worst when it is quiet and I try to sleep. I normally leave a fan on in the bedroom overnight to provide some white noise to help mask the high pitch tone in my ear.

Today's ipod generation should take note when listening to loud music through headphone's.
How long have you had it for?
15 years now.

What brought it on?

Had a hearing problem when in the RAF. As i was due to go to the Falklands they did'nt do any investigation and stuck a grommet in my ear. Nothing changed but two years later the left side of my face was temporarily paralysed. Again, incorrect diagnosis as they reckoned it was bells palsey. Three months later i started getting unbearable pain in the left side of my head. After being told they don't do anything for headaches i was in the workshop one day and blood and puss started pouring (literally) from my left ear. They sent to to a specialist who diagnosed a chronic infection of the inner ear. Scans showed that the infection had attacked the bones in my skull. Had to have a emergency operation which lasted three and a half hours. They cut my ear around the back so that they could fold it forward and get inside my skull to cut out the infection. Cue three months sick leave and a lot of dizziness/nausea/falling over and the infection was finally gone. The downside was that i am now 75% deaf in that ear and suffer from Tinnitus.

Does it bother you anymore?

Learnt to live with it for the most part but sometimes it does get annoying.

And what sound do you hear?

High pitched humming/buzzing.
How long have you had it for?
What brought it on?
Does it bother you anymore?
And what sound do you hear?

3 years, it first hit when I was around 28 years old and then got worse over a 6 month period.

15+ years of djing, clubbing, festivals and going to gigs. That plus my constant use of headphones for hours on end when gaming and watching films.

Yes, still bothers me. I have to wear earplugs when I go out anywhere loud (proper custom moulded musicians earplugs are a godsend) and can't use headphones any more when gaming/watching stuff.

High pitched tone, very similar to the sound they play when a flashbang/nade goes off in a game/film. Have it 24/7 but is most noticeable at night or first thing in the morning. It makes sitting at home and having a nice quiet read rather difficult :(
1) How long have you had it for?

3 weeks and it is driving me absolutly mad! the noise happens all day long, litterally nothing I can do stops it.

2) What brought it on?

I got an ear infection, lost my balance - luckily just my right ear. So far I ve had 2 courses of Antivboitics, 1 course took it away, then came back, 2nd course hasnt touched it, now on the same antiboitics as course 1, really hoping this time I will go away.

3) Does it bother you anymore?

Bothers me a lot as I need my ears for my job, with working the phones. Ive lost some of the tone from the right hand side, like everthing is dummed down. The rining is quite loud, If I go for a walk, the outside noise helps to distract the noise which helps.

4) And what sound do you hear?

Very high pitched buzzing like sound. Higher than what the old CRT monitors used to make.

After reading some of the prevoius replies it seems it has gone away for some people. As I have lost my balance I believe it is still an infection and fluid is still in there, if it does not go this time, I am going to ask them to drain away the fluid.
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