Titan 7300i....*hovers over buy button*

Aces, looks great. In terms of picking up a bundle over the above CPU, RAM, Mobo...a n00b question as I've never dabbled, is the overclocking process done on these particularly sensitive? Last thing I wanna do is blow it to bits when I could have had someone do who knows what they are actually doing!
It very easy on these boards, theres even a 1 click auto overclocking option.
But you won't blow it to bits as long as your careful. There are several guides on here how to do it. But honestly, its easy and well worth learning.
It's something I've always looked at doing, just not built anything worth overclocking in a while. Really appreciate your help on this matey, I'll take a look over the components and hopefully make a purchase soon!

This is essentially the same price as the i5 system I was looking at as well...lets just hope the build works out!
for ~£10 more you can go for the modular version of the psu, modular means you have less cables to worry about when doing the cable management.


you could cut it back to the tx750m(~£14 cheaper) one as that'll be enough for 570 sli from what I've read.

another option on the cooler http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-005-AN&groupid=701&catid=57&subcat=

and ram http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-060-GS&groupid=701&catid=8&subcat=1517

or if you don't like the red http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-299-CS&groupid=701&catid=8&subcat=1517

the tranquilo is good if you don't plan on pushing past 4.5/4.6ghz, the antec gives you the option of 4.8ghz(especially of you add a 2nd fan on it in the future, you can also replace the stock fan with better quiter fan etc).

just hope your mb doesn't arrive with a bent pin, or if my experience is anything to go by you'll be called a liar(if you get the guy in rma that I spoke to) for claiming you didn't cause it. don't mean to scare you off self builds after trying to convince to build it yourself :)
It's ok mate, thanks for the other options, certainly more to consider, especially the CPU cooler. I should be ok for the self build.. I'll got through everything the day I get it and make sure all of the packaging is ok and nothing is damaged. Good guys here so I'm sure if there is something wrong they will sort it for me =].

In terms of that RAM, is there any advantage to the others you recommended other than colour?
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if you go for the geli tranquilo or other air coolers the fins on some rams(such as the 2 I suggested) can interfer with the cooler as the cooler can over hang 1/more of the ram slots, with closed looped liquid coolers(such as the one I sugested) or cpu water blocks if you go full custom watercooling) this isn't an issue.

other than the price/colour of the 2 rams I suggested there really isn't muh difference unless you happen to be someone who like overclocking their ram(think I've read the g skill oc better than the corsair).

so if you go gelid tranquilo you'll want a low profile ram such a the kingston suggested or couple other options

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-290-CS&groupid=701&catid=8&subcat=1517 couple quid cheaper



other then the fins as mentioned ram don't have too big a real lifer performance difference so choose the cheapest/the one you like the look of best/fits your colour scheme etc, the 1600mhz is the best one to go for as faster ones don't make real difference and are more expensive.
I think I'm going to go with the MSI board. I like the look of the AS Rock one better, but ultimately a little colour on the board which is going in a Mesh windowed 600T won't make much difference to me. I'm passed the point of epic pimpage, Just want a good solid set of components and then a decent looking case.
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