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Titan V announced £2700 15TF 12nm Volta

19 Oct 2008
If NV sells enough Titan Vs, expect the Pascal refresh (aka Ambere) next years, starting with a nice 40% higher price tag.

I'd be surprised if such a refresh happens for the entire range. I know now that I've seen this Volta I expect nothing less than a Volta based card in my PC. If Ampere is a cut down Volta (for costs sake) then fair enough, but refreshed Pascal, no thanks.
I can see how a refresh could happen at the low to mid range.

So the price of the gaming Titan i guess will be about £1,000-£1,200? Better.. still a lot of dosh for just a GPU and with a reference cooler yet.

Depends how you look at. I'm not a fan of non-reference coolers and am sure the parts are often cheaper than reference parts. Reference is the best all-round solution IMO (looks, cost, air being evacuated from the case). I'd rather buy reference and run it as reference or strip down and water cool, not the half-way house of some sometimes cheap looking big a** fans spewing heat into the case :p.
Each to their own.
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5 Sep 2011
It looks like NVIDIA made the power section beefy enough to handle some serious overclocks.
Glad someone else noticed this. Wondering if it's still the same OE. I can't imagine that overclocking will be encouraged given Greenlight and their recent practices. So on a 250W TDP part, I think it speaks words. This thing can obviously pull some serious current. That said, the VREGS on previous Titan have always been nothing more than adequate. Which is why a lot of them failed before NVIDIA stopped users pumping 1.3v through them.
26 Aug 2004
South Wales
Depends how you look at. I'm not a fan of non-reference coolers and am sure the parts are often cheaper than reference parts. Reference is the best all-round solution IMO (looks, cost, air being evacuated from the case). I'd rather buy reference and run it as reference or strip down and water cool, not the half-way house of some sometimes cheap looking big a** fans spewing heat into the case :p.
Each to their own.
They could at least give the option of buying with a different cooler. Or have a triple slot blower style card to make it quieter... if that's even possible.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
I'd be surprised if such a refresh happens for the entire range. I know now that I've seen this Volta I expect nothing less than a Volta based card in my PC. If Ampere is a cut down Volta (for costs sake) then fair enough, but refreshed Pascal, no thanks.
I can see how a refresh could happen at the low to mid range.

Depends how you look at. I'm not a fan of non-reference coolers and am sure the parts are often cheaper than reference parts. Reference is the best all-round solution IMO (looks, cost, air being evacuated from the case). I'd rather buy reference and run it as reference or strip down and water cool, not the half-way house of some sometimes cheap looking big a** fans spewing heat into the case :p.
Each to their own.

Ampere not Volta is the next round of gaming GPUs. Which according to some articles, is a refreshed pascal at 12nm. Nothing new.

And here we go down the Intel path. Trickling down performance on rehashing the same technology, for more money.
12 Sep 2013
I know a lot of people think this Titan isn't for gaming but Nvidia have spent the last 4 or 5 years positioning the Titan brand as their premium gaming card.
They removed the double whatever from the Maxwell Titan and even released a second Pascal Titan because the 1080ti was all but as fast as the first Pascal Titan and they wanted the Titan to remain the fastest graphics card for gaming, I think the reason they haven't got GTX on the card is simply because they know that selling this so soon after doing two Pascal Titans and then themed Titans is going to upset a lot of gamers who've bought Titans recently.
This is simply Nvidia, it's the way they roll. They know every gamer on the planet will be lusting after one of these and they'll sell plenty too the money is no object gamers.

Titan V is already under "Geforce" drivers section on their website. Fastest gaming card indeed!

But it's not a gaming card. :rolleyes:
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5 Sep 2011
I know a lot of people think this Titan isn't for gaming but Nvidia have spent the last 4 or 5 years positioning the Titan brand as their premium gaming card.
They removed the double whatever from the Maxwell Titan and even released a second Pascal Titan because the 1080ti was all but as fast as the first Pascal Titan and they wanted the Titan to remain the fastest graphics card for gaming, I think the reason they haven't got GTX on the card is simply because they know that selling this so soon after doing two Pascal Titans and then themed Titans is going to upset a lot of gamers who've bought Titans recently.
This is simply Nvidia, it's the way they roll. They know every gamer on the planet will be lusting after one of these and they'll sell plenty too the money is no object gamers.

It's the same as saying you can game on a Tesla, though. They're happy that it doesn't undermine their workstation lines, yet offers similar performance at a fraction of the cost. Of course, the moment the TITAN brand was launched - people bit on the basis it was the fastest GPU money could buy with the marketing to punt, unlike the pro lines which have always gone by unnoticed.

What makes this TITAN different is the fact it has immense compute capability and it's priced as such outside of what's conventionally considered reasonable for gamers. There is no other rationale here. If you think there is, then you're simply trying to justify spending 2,700 pounds to play games. Volta is expensive to make, NVIDIA have already said as much. When you're talking about the best part of 3,000 - the cost is subjective drum doesn't fly. It's over twice what we're used to paying, for capability that gamers simply won't utilise a fraction of. There-is-no hidden logic here, some of us will be simply throwing money at NVIDIA because we want it now, and we don't care how much.

When does saying that officially become ridiculous.
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25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
Well its not really a gaming card, its been released as a scientific gpu for research use.

What it should show you though is that at its current clock speeds if its 10-15% faster than a 1080Ti, when the gaming version does come out it should be a good 20-30% faster.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Here are some preliminary benchmarks courtesy of WCCF (take with pinch of salt obviously):


Firestrike: Stock GTX 1080 Ti with 28,300 vs Stock TITAN V with 32,773

That's a nice increase but at nearly 4x the cost!

It is actually very poor if the overclocked performance is 36k on the graphics, for comparison a Titan Xp on air will get 32k or 33k graphics.

Here is one of mine using the SW Edition Xp


And here is another using one of my reference Titan Xp cards on air


Having said that Firestrike standard is the wrong bench to test a card as fast as a Volta Titan, they should have used Firestrike Ultra or Timespy Extreme to work the graphics @4k.
28 May 2007
Here are some preliminary benchmarks courtesy of WCCF (take with pinch of salt obviously):


Firestrike: Stock GTX 1080 Ti with 28,300 vs Stock TITAN V with 32,773

That's a nice increase but at nearly 4x the cost!

That's not a nice increase at all. That's about 16% which is not much more than what a standard Titan Xp will give you currently and all at the great price of £2700.
19 Oct 2008
So the price of the gaming Titan i guess will be about £1,000-£1,200? Better.. still a lot of dosh for just a GPU and with a reference cooler yet.
Ampere not Volta is the next round of gaming GPUs. Which according to some articles, is a refreshed pascal at 12nm. Nothing new.

And here we go down the Intel path. Trickling down performance on rehashing the same technology, for more money.
The articles talking about Ampere weren't expecting a sudden and rather early volta card to be released.
I can see lower end cards possibly being a refresh due to Volta costs but I think top end will be volta. I reckon we'll see a more gaming focused Titan card soon too.
I have no interest in a TItan non Volta card I know that. A refresh probably isn't going to give a 30% performance increase. This card shows us the big stuff is ready and am sure NV wont be playing the Intel game.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
The articles talking about Ampere weren't expecting a suddenly and rather early volta card to be released.
I can see lower end cards possibly being a refresh due to Volta costs but I think top end will be volta. I reckon we'll see a more gaming focused Titan card soon too.
I have no interest in a TItan non Volta card I know that. A refresh probably isn't going to give a 30% performance increase. This card shows us the big stuff is ready and am sure NV wont be playing the Intel game.

I'm not sure we will see Volta consumer gaming cards or an architecture based on Volta. As I said before it was likely we might see a Volta Titan around the end of the year but the hints I've had are that Volta isn't really intended for GeForce.
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