Mouth 1.0 should be ok, you will experience 'Coaster stick' if you leave your mug on the coaster for prolonged periods of time.

Overclockers UK reccomends using genuine mouths with your mug.
Mine has arrived!! :D

Very pleased with the performance so far. Initial coffee testing is shows a staggering 27% increase in coffee enjoyment. I plan to repeat the testing a few more times through the rest of the day and will check out the tea performance this evening.
Just noticed the mug on today only so might even go for a crossfire configuration.
are you insane ! xfire mugs !!! I hope you have the "power" to deal with another otherwise you might need to upgrade
Mine has arrived!! :D

Very pleased with the performance so far. Initial coffee testing is shows a staggering 27% increase in coffee enjoyment. I plan to repeat the testing a few more times through the rest of the day and will check out the tea performance this evening.
Just noticed the mug on today only so might even go for a crossfire configuration.

Make sure your face has support for two mugs :D
Whoop cheers guys............even make my coffee taste better.;)

I might consider one of these mugs, but I have a question or two.....

How bad is the cooling on this mug ? I don't want one if it cools the contents too quickly.

How long until the next generation of mugs are available ? I'd rather wait if new ones are going to be launched soon.

What's the RMA process like ? Should the handle detach itself, or a leak occur, how long until it is repaired/replaced ?
loving the SLI mugs

excellent work

check the item listing, your pictures have been added now :)

anyone with a mug picture, post it up and the best ones will get added to the website
Package has arrived at my mums, but she says that it sounds broken...
If the mug is smashed who shall I contact? If a mod can advise.

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