Just ordered, and am hoping it will outperform my old cup as it's a few generations out of date (it has a gollywog playing football on it, that's how old it is).
If it performs as I'm hoping, my wife may be getting one for Christmas. :D
Just ordered, and am hoping it will outperform my old cup as it's a few generations out of date (it has a gollywog playing football on it, that's how old it is).
If it performs as I'm hoping, my wife may be getting one for Christmas. :D

sounds like it has a lot to live up to

could you show us a comparison?
mine turned up at the same time i was collecting another parcel i missed, so had to go back down to the depot AGAIN today to collect, just my luck;)

however it has now taken its place as my tea mug of choice!
Christened it today:D
excellent work steve45, your tea will taste superb in that!

a member of our forums, 'Magic_x_uk' has done a full review of the mug which explains a lot about the overall benefits and capabilities of the mug.

Click Here to check it out :)
Here is my current fleet.


For maximum guzzling capacity, "Big Bertha" on the right has no challengers.
For old times sake, I have the footballing Gollywog on the left (legendary).
For sleek lines and style, the Ocuk offering seems like the cat's whiskers.

So... let the cat decide then.


And it seems that the cat's whiskers is the winner as decided by err... the cat.
She insisted on having her photo taken with the Ocuk mug.
A clear winner then! :D
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