**Today Only 14/11/2011** Intel Core i7-3960X 3.30GHz (SB-E) & Asus GeForce GTX 560Ti DirectCU II 10

Gief me today only Intel 990x - £299!!!!!!

I will be watching gulftown prices like a hawk over the next several weeks.
We shall not be doing that, we don't need too, no one else has stock and our regular price is fair as margin on these even at regular margin is single digit.

Anyone can advertise a silly low price, with no stock.

Crickey? Did I read that right? Margin is at most £9?
it's unreal a Proc could cost over £800 for a home PC.... new rig = AMD me thinks

I5 2500k is all you need for high end performance at a id range price.

LGA 2011 is a workstation, not a home gaming PC setup, but enthusiasts would also be interested in having the absolute best, except now some of us cant afford it at prices like these :(

I just want an Intel hex core, and they are all a rip off :x
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