**Today Only 15/12/2011** (Both Lowest in UK) Crucial RealSSD M4 512GB SSD & Kingston HyperX Genesis

NO!!!! Definitely not.

I've already stashed away all my money into an ISA and will be doing so until 2013. No new graphics cards in 2012 either no matter how much I want them .... ISA save me!!!

I've spent 2 years worth of upgrade budget in this year due to getting this SSD, so no more spending until April 2013 when I get some lovely phat interest :p

I'm going to get a second 512 Gb M4 and second generation 28 nm graphics cards around 18 months from now - Saving, saving, SAVING!!!

Dont believe you will last :)

I hope its not penalties for withdrawals!
I remember paying around 100 quid for 4 gb of ocz gold at the beginning of last year :(

But then I paid 40 quid for 8gb of hyperx a couple of months ago. Ram is so cheap now :D
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