**Today Only 21/06/2012** Akasa Venom 550w Modular '80 Plus' Power Supply & Samsung 128GB SSD 830 D

Maybe so mate, I can't see your today only pre price, but looking elsewhere it certainly wouldn't have been £140 before that point would it?

On that line yes.. Samsungs pricing is a little messed up over the lines which is a shame however slowly but surely all lines seem to be dropping back into a nice uniform pricing structure :)
Snagged one of these SSDs, my i7 920 will have my 60Gb Vertex 2e and my i5 this baby... A fun friday night in store for me, installing win2k8 r2, TWICE, how will I contain myself?!
I think the desktop one includes mounting equipment hence the higher price

Desktop contains a 3.5" mounting bracket - notebook one contains a sata data/power to usb cable (which is actually VERY useful).

Lets be VERY generous and call the 3.5 mounting bracket £10 - still a HUGE difference in price.

OcUK are not the only ones to be bitten by this, so must have come from suppliers. I bought the notebook 256gb from a competitor, and had to point out to them that their desktop one was over £100 more (with what the salesperson called a £3 bracket!!!)

Drive exactly the same - the part numbers differ by one character for the retail pack. Both come with Ghost.
But whichever is the cheapest, even if you "need" a mounting bracket.
Not at all, but the desktop one has one very very recently just had the price movement.

Theres a large difference between a different product because of added accessories and a different product because the unit itself is different. As you can see in the title they are both "830 series" but still not the same product.

Just to clarify the drives themselves are exactly the same, when i queried it in the customer service section this was the reply that i got from 5UB.

Good morning,

The difference is just the adaptor, so the drives themselves are exactly the same. :)

When the prices stabilize i expect the desktop pack to be about £10 more than the notebook pack.
I think we need a price checker/tracker on this site like the rain forest uses then we can be alerted when the price reaches the price we wish to pay.
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Crazy price on the Samsung SSD, one of the best I've seen especially as you say its the Desktop version?

BTW, may I ask who the OEM is for the Akasa Venom PSU, great price on it hence the ask.

I am very disappointed.

The SSD is very good no problems there, but I got no free Haribos with my order this time :(

Same here, I was almost tempted to open a webnote because of this. The haribos are the main reason I buy high end parts from OCUK, not the fact that I am a geek, but the fact that I love free haribos.
Same here, I was almost tempted to open a webnote because of this. The haribos are the main reason I buy high end parts from OCUK, not the fact that I am a geek, but the fact that I love free haribos.

Seems we have a haribo thief working inside Overclockers :eek:.

I wanted my 10p free zingy haribos :p
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