**Today Only 24/10/2011*** Krypton Z68 600i Intel Core i5 2500K Bundle & Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR3

Hi Guys, apologies for the technical glitch this morning with the price. The forum post copied the bundle without the added extra features thus putting the price lower. However at the price it is at the deal is still fantastic :)

Hi Guys, apologies for the technical glitch this morning with the price. The forum post copied the bundle without the added extra features thus putting the price lower. However at the price it is at the deal is still fantastic :)


I would buy an i5 2500K + Asus P8Z68-V for £223 if you put it up at that price. :)
Why do people get it to petty arguments about things like pricing lol

If the price on the ticket is less than the price at the till then they are under no obligation to sell it to you at the lower price.Even if the the till point comes up with the same price even tho it's a obvious error if the cashier queries it they can still refuse sale.Also works online a retailer can refuse delivery of a mis priced item and either ask the customer to pay the difference or offer a refund

some weird thing about offer,acceptance consideration or something like that
I gave in and got the ram, I already have 8gb of it which I got from elsewhere last month for ~£58. I know I don't need 16gb as its mainly a gaming machine plus the normal web browsing, email, word etc but couldn't resist :)

16gb 1600mhz c8 for ~£108.
the ram arrived today, turns out it's the not good overclocking version(2.12). The one I got already is the good overclocking version(5.11), well I've not done any overclocking of the ram but going by what I've read. so what to do? will there be issues mixing/matching the 2 versions?
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