It seems like a step forwards to people who support it. People who are allowed to own guns in Texas are already allowed to carry main weapon guns anywhere. This law extends that to sidearm guns. Is that a huge difference? I'm not sure.
Very likely, but in Texas almost everyone shot will not be "black" so their lives don't matter.
It's very simple to understand:
1) People who think that civilians have a right to bear arms see removing an obstacle to civilians bearing arms as being a good move on philosophical grounds.
2) People who think that armed civilians can defend themselves and others see removing an obstacle to civilians bearing arms being a good move on practical grounds.
You don't have to agree with either, but they're both simple positions to understand.
Damn...Wyoming is already way more extreme than Texas when it comes to gun laws. Or, more accurately, lack of them. Not only are state laws regarding gun ownership along the lines of "anyone can carry any gun (other than full auto) open and/or concealed as long as they're not a convicted violent felon", Wyoming state law very explicitly forbids any local government from imposing any restrictions, explicitly states that they will not enforce federal gun restriction laws and goes as far as they can in preventing federal authorities enforcing federal gun restrictions.
A Wyoming resident can literally walk into a shop, buy a handgun and a rifle and ammunition with and walk out again with the loaded rifle slung over their shoulder and the loaded handgun concealed in an easy access holster under their clothing. Then stroll down the street. No delay. No registration. The concealed carry would require a Wyoming concealed permit, which
must be issued without question to any Wyoming resident who wants one and who doesn't have a violent felony conviction. If the guns have "made in Wyoming" on them, no problem. Even if the carrying is in breach of national USA law, no Wyoming authority is allowed to enforce that law.
So Wyoming must be an active war zone, people getting shot every 5 minutes!
That's even lower than the UK! Only just (UK is 1.1 per 100,000 residents), but that's a hell of a low level of homicide. And that's all homicides, not just shooting homicides.
Looks like reality is more complex than simply a question of what the gun laws are.