Today's mass shooting in the US

Good guys with guns... Well, church attendees and in Texas, so how many more do they think they needed?

I'll be very unsurprised if it is someone that legally owned a gun that in most other countries that do have high civilian gun ownership woudln't have legally got near a firearm.
So what we gonna guess?

White guy early twenties to late 30s, loner or lack of social skills. Bullied in school/ in a "non-masculine" career. Brought the weapons and bullets over many months and had a bumpstock?

That many killed in a church in Texas sounds like some form of automatic fire - a lot of people carry in TX and I suspect many had guns in their truck as well - though not very useful at the moment the shooting started.

I suspect this was political/racial shooting - quite likely either black on white or white on black/Hispanic.

EDIT: Looks like the church has a fairly mixed congregation with a large proportion of white so loner with a grudge is also highly possible.
Easy peasy with something like an AR-15. :mad:

I'm relatively pro-gun but it boggles my mind that anything approaching full auto is legal to own except specific hunting permits where land owners or pest control might need more rapid fire against larger animals. In many cases just no need for anything but bolt action.
It's honestly getting to the point where we may as well have a single thread for 'Murican shootings. Unbelievable. In a church no less.

IIRC its the 3rd multiple casualty shooting in a place of worship in the US in the last 6 months and there was another high profile one in 2015.
Ah, that's ok then, no need to do anything about gun control, the system was operating as planned, he was just outside it.

Doesn't sound like the system was working - there were all sorts of reasons that in pretty much any other country would have precluded him from being able to own a gun and should have meant he couldn't buy a gun - but he was able to purchase them anyhow due to a mixture of poor organisation and omitting details.
Don’t worry everyone, Trump says it’s not about guns it’s about mental health.

It must be that nowhere else has mental health problems, that explains why mass shootings are so prevalent in the US, not the guns.

In fact guns saved the day.....

Mental health is one area that the US hasn't traditionally done well on - though the last 5 years have seen massive advances in recognition and huge strides in changing attitudes and treatment, etc. it is another area where there is a lot of contention between it and their 2nd amendment rights - but its demonstrable that in other countries it has a big impact on reducing firearms related incidents.
Ban semi-autos/machine guns and keep hand guns legal but require stronger background checks on them.

This will still ensure compliance with the 2nd amendment whilst keeping mass shooting death tolls lower.

Guns do save lives in a lot of situations though... home invasions etc... It only logically makes sense to ban semi/automatics.

There is very little reason for most people to own a handgun unless they believe there is a direct threat to their life i.e. some law enforcement, etc.

Likewise pretty much no reason to own a machinegun or other high rate of fire automatic weapon - the laws (with a little less restriction in certain areas) in that respect in this country would still satisfy the original intentions of the 2nd amendment in that you can own semi-automatic in small calibres and bolt action/straight pull for full rifle calibres.
Texas' gun laws are abysmally weak. There's no background check, so all he had to do was lie on his declaration form and say he didn't have any felonies on record. Then he was free to walk out with the gun.

According to reports a background check was carried out in this case but it didn't flag up any of his military (negative) citations and he omitted to mention any of those factors on the form.
Do you play darts?

Shooting a gun and playing darts is exactly the same thing.

Your point?

The original intentions of the 2nd amendment aren't known. The people who wrote and passed the 2nd amendment didn't write their intentions down clearly and their intentions weren't necessarily all the same and the text itself doesn't make the intentions at all clear because it's quite badly written in terms of clarity. The relationship between the first and second parts of the sentence isn't clear. The relevance of the first part of the sentence, if any, isn't clear. What "bear arms" was intended to mean isn't clear. For example, there's absolutely no doubt that the people who wrote and passed that law were aware of the fact that guns had already become much more efficient by their time and were continuing to become more efficient in their time. So why presume they definitely meant for further improvements in efficiency to be excluded from the law they'd written and passed? That's not in the text of the law and there's no reason to think they intended it to be.

There were two issues that appear to be (fairly firmly established) the motivation behind it however - the lacking military capabilities at the time combined with fears about "tyranny".
That's besides the point.

When you play darts do you have in your mind "right I'm practising so I can get better aim, to hit someone's eye"

Nope. You play to get better, to socialise, it's a hobby.

Have you ever owned and fired a gun?

Think you missed some of the context of what I was replying to - I'm not against gun ownership or even with some restriction handgun ownership but there is very little reason outside of some exceptions for general ownership and every day carry of handguns even in a society where some degree of firearm ownership and carry is permitted.

Most sport/hobby type use involving firearms can easily be satisfied with bolt action type mechanics and some limited semi-automatic reducing the ability for an individual to quickly cause mass death.
How many people did this guy shoot in this video?

Again you are missing the context of what I'm saying.

Love how a predominately British forum is arguing about how another country should handle it's gun laws.

A lot of people are very very anti-gun and I find it amusing how indignant they get about firearms laws in a country they will likely never live in and in many cases never visit.
That's not the point.

Why not bad violent computer games, after all in your mind you want to "kill people" what is different to shooting a real gun at a paper target, to playing COD in the mission where you gun down virtual people in the shopping mall?

I found that game far more disturbing than any paper target..

Your reading comprehension seems to have gone out the window tonight.

How many people have been killed with a video game firearm?
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