Around 12000-16000 deaths a year from guns in the USA (discounting suicides),
60% of all US firearms related homicides involve Black people shooting other Black people in Black majority neighborhoods..
Keep well away from clearly defined and easily identifiable "High Risk Zones" and you arent really significantly more likley to be Murdered, either by gunshot or any other method, in the US than you are anywhere else in the developed world.
Now, yes, "Spree/Mass/School" killings tend to be the preserve of deranged white loners with an axe to grind over something or other (Not in the most recent case however)
And for the most part, the victims tend to be White too,
This is why spree killings attract so much more media attention than the relentless toll of gun crime on black communities (1 death/hour more or less 24/7/365!)
Being Shot by a criminal is a realtivly rare fate for White people. It is part of day to day life for Black people.
And things are bad now, they were worse in the past. At a peak in around 1980, had "Black America" been rignfenced and considererd a country in its own right. It would have been up there with places like Honduous and el-salvador as one of the most murderous countries on the planet.
By contrast, were "Black America" to be ring-fenced and excluded from the crime statistics for the rest of the USA, then despite firearms being more common than i-pods, "Non-Black" America suffers no more violent crime than, say, Belgium.
For the most part, the USA is not a particularly dangerous country.