I usually set targets that I always miss but these should be easy enough if I stay consistent.
Squat 140+ (2*BW)
Bench 100
Deadlift 170+ (second conventional DL day after heavy squats @55-75%)
Achieved via this programme
Slightly tweaked regime this year - essentially the same but I've realised I can fit in 7 WOs in a fortnight so added a conventional deadlift day with some other fun stuff. And swapped the accessories around a little, including Bulgarians
Mon Heavy squat, GMs, DB bench, Krocs
Wed Sumo DL, snatch RDLs, OHP, t bar row
Fri Heavy bench, weighted dips, paused squats, BSS
Sun Conv DL, push press, BSS (heavy), curls
Tue Heavy squat, GMs, DB bench, Krocs
Thu Sumo DL, snatch RDLs, OHP, t bar row
Sat Heavy bench, weighted dips, paused squats, BSS
Should be fun