Hi everyone.
We’re currently seeing issues with matchmaking times and disconnection on all platforms. As such we’re postponing the Open Beta until a later time and keeping the game under Closed Beta status. We apologize for the delay and can assure you this is our top priority. We will keep everyone updated regularly as we continue to deploy improvements.
// UPDATE 2:00pm EST //
What are the exact issues?
Game sessions are not starting properly and we’ve encountered server issues, leading to failed connections. We’ve identified the root issue that was introduced after the Technical Test while fixing a separate aspect of the game. A fix is currently under test and will be deployed within the next few hours.
Are we seeing issues on the same platforms?
Yes, all platforms are experiencing the same issues.
Why is it taking this much time to fix?
We are going through a process to test and deploy fixes and this takes time to make sure we’re satisfied with the results.
What is the plan to fix this?
Within the next few hours, we anticipate pushing the fix initially to Xbox One and then PC and PS4 as quickly as possible thereafter.
Expect an update at 6PM EST on the current situation while several maintenances will occur during the day. Maintenance updates will be posted here.
Is this going to be fixed for launch?
Yes. This Open Beta will ensure the cleanest launch possible. Keep in mind that this beta is intended for this exact reason: find problems and troubleshoot them to ensure the most stable launch possible.
How come the Open Beta Technical Test had properly working servers and matchmaking and it’s not working now?
We’ve identified the root issue that was introduced after the Technical Test while fixing a separate aspect of the game and is currently under test and will deployed within the next few hours.
What does this delay mean for the final release of the game?
We are confident the game will work as intended since the known issue will be fixed soon. Therefore the launch will not be impacted by this issue.
// UPDATE 6:15pm EST //
As communicated with you today, we have performed a maintenance on XB1, PS4 and PC this afternoon. Some platforms are still under maintenance but we are working to complete them as quickly as we can. We will be monitoring how the fixes impact the game experience throughout the night. We will give you another update tomorrow at 10AM EST. In the meantime, our Closed Beta continues. Please give us your feedback now that the update has happened and tell us how the experience is for you. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.