Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Revealed

Same, managed one multiplayer game, where I managed to dominate by hanging upside down in a window, then spent the rest of the night playing Terrorist hunt with some friends, good way to get extra renown points (With booster activated) to get operators and attachments.
Afaik it uses dedi servers but has no browser, it's exactly like CSGO's matchmaking.

If it's the issue of wanting to play custom/ private games with your clan you can do that via both private servers and it even has LAN support.

we would ike to have our own server m8 we can control ;)
I would if uPlay client would download the poxy thing, this happened on the closed beta as well, just doesn't download.. haven't found a solution, nothing downloads. I hate Ubisoft!!


Uninstalled, reinstalled pretty much tried everything still no, I have a serious hate relationship for Ubisoft, epic fail.
Playing last night apart from odd server crash and connection issues once playing the game is super fun to play..

I just hope they can get to the bottom of these server issues.

Managed a game earlier before it got pulled. Performance seemed fine, much better than the last time I played it. I can understand why they've pulled it, it seemed to be night on impossible to get into a match.
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