Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Revealed

When I first heard about this I was slightly excited because I loved the early games but I remember what they did to the last 2 so ...meh I`ll wait for proper pc gameplay footage
Am sure that was pc gameplay. The movement is them showcasing.

That was PC gameplay.

Yep, I just meant 'actual' released game footage, not 'staged' Aliens:CM or Watchdogs pre-release footage.

The video starts with a message to say pre-alpha footage of actual Multiplayer gameplay which turns out to be a scripted play through with cheesy voice overs. Call me sceptical, but it just immediately raised warning bells for me.
Ubisoft likes to produce these scripted 'gameplay' trailers, The Division one was exactly the same.

Game looks...alright. Nice wall destruction etc, guns seemed to have zero recoil though and ultimately, it's still not a proper Rainbow Six game. But then any hope of them bringing it back properly died away a long time ago I think.
AI looked weak.
Gun play looked terrible
Scripted rescue

Bad showcase from a game I was looking forward to. Hopefully it is better than that.

It wasn't ai it was player vs player and staged/scripted.

Sure there not just going to go out and kill each other very fast, there aim is to create a scene to showcase their gameplay.
I do agree with everyone though it's going to be interesting how it plays out once open to random players. But for me this a game where I join we friends not random pubs.
Video looked a bit silly (ie. the stupid intentional retarding aiming)

That really annoyed me heh - especially as it was obviously intentionally done in a couple of places so he wouldn't get the really easy kills that wouldn't have fitted with the script. Horrible way to do a trailer.
Looked great to me. Love the destruction and this is the only way you can show a game like this.. You can't have random players doing rambo stuff. You need to show off the mechanics properly. I'm excited though. Reminds me more of counterstrike which I love and not cod or bf which I don't like when it comes to multilayer.
That really annoyed me heh - especially as it was obviously intentionally done in a couple of places so he wouldn't get the really easy kills that wouldn't have fitted with the script. Horrible way to do a trailer.

Sure. why show the gameplay potential when you could have the first guy open the door, throw a grenade in and get a team wipe. Could even have a ULTRA KILL come up. Then we could just move on to another game.
After watching an interview with one of the devs I am much more exited for this game, he mentioned that the intention was to get back to the roots of the original games pre-Vegas (awful dumbed down console fodder IMO) with a slower pace & more of an emphasis on tactics which is what todays so called tactical shooters seem to interpret as a large selection of weapon attachments or perks! hope that is the case as rouge spear is still the most fun I've had on PC with my mates ever.
this looks great


no one is going to play that like the trailer on public servers
the round will start and it will be the usual rubbish run and gun within a few seconds until everyone is dead

MAYBE if you can get 9 other people together with comms to play properly
(I doubt i could get that many people in one place at once)
this looks great


no one is going to play that like the trailer on public servers
the round will start and it will be the usual rubbish run and gun within a few seconds until everyone is dead

MAYBE if you can get 9 other people together with comms to play properly
(I doubt i could get that many people in one place at once)

I had a little concern re this but think about it for a minute. (I could still be wrong)

Small sided 5v5? In small / mid-size houses (made up of small rooms certain entry points etc. etc.) Defensive team can lay traps, barricade, etc.

If you're attacking you need to take it slowly otherwise you will just hit traps or have your arse handed to you. I'm sure you can run and gun as a tactic for the quick element of surprise. However I feel this will be the exception, not the rule.

Defensively you need to keep the hostage, plus you just set a load of barricades and traps, you will want to make the best of them so camping would be the go to tactic here. Plus if they could enter the building from a number of different spots then you will be on the cautious side.

tl;dr game is set up to be played tactically. You probably can run and gun but you won’t succeed much.
I'm really looking forward to the tactical element of this game. As other people have said, the chances of just jumping on a server with a load of strangers is likely to end in both disaster and frustration.
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