Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Revealed

having major issues here. either our group gets split up or we are unable to invite specific players into the squad. very effin annoying tonight.

First weekend since release and first weekend of the month, payday plus people with time off is going to stress the servers, disappointed they couldnt cope though. I'll try again later.
First weekend since release and first weekend of the month, payday plus people with time off is going to stress the servers, disappointed they couldnt cope though. I'll try again later.

damn, i didn't even think about that. i guess they better cough up the money for more servers to meet the demand.
having major issues here. either our group gets split up or we are unable to invite specific players into the squad. very effin annoying tonight.

Yep, sounds familiar. 2, 67, 312 and 1000B errors a plenty. Got stuck several times, added to half finished games, booted 10 seconds into a game. Bit of an omnishambles all round tonight, disappointing.
:( well meet up for some games. Jump on discord for comms.

Can you disable the ingame voice? I heard its always enabled :(

You should know that usually under the influence while playing, until I get to the point where its affecting me play. Done alright tonight on insurgency mind, it seems to help in moderation :D
Haha can't be any worse than some I've played with :D.

Erm I've set my mic activation to zero and it seems to have stopped transmitting. Then I turned off the voice volume to mute everyone else.
ah cool thanks, no I usually have a few beers while im gaming but tend to just give it a rest for the night when ive had one too many or im dragging down a team in FPS games.

I'll give you peeps a shout sunday night as thats the next time ill be playing but will be on all over the xmas period.
To be honest googling it suggests that I'm not actually muting the mic. However by muting everyone else I can't hear them whinging about it :D.

Personally I hate ingame comms as everyone becomes an expert after they've died telling you what to do. If you were such an expert mate you'd be alive :D. Shut up and let me listen for footsteps.
it was more the fact that I had a friend round the other night to show him the game, so I was probably chatting personal stuff over the airwaves non stop unwittingly which is a bit annoying.

I tend to be quite vocal when playing sometimes and PTT means people only have to hear relevant stuff so im not spamming comms.

Sometimes the ingame comms is good when its used properly, people telling you where they got shot from etc, where enemy movements are. But I dont speak russian or french so 90% of the time its useless to me.
I speak enough French to get the gist of what they're telling me and I speak enough Russian to know when they're calling me a bitch :D.

I need to find the sweet spot for where comms are loud enough to hear clearly but not drown out any ambient noise. Until then I'm just playing in silence.
well im on Uplay as boycey0211 , Add me on there and i'll ask to join when i can. can do either with comms or without, im not great so doesnt make a massive difference either way :p
I was going to say CdKeys but they have put the price up to £30 :o according to allcdkeys cheapest place is games rocket, @ £27.50 although I've never used them before so not sure if reliable or not.
we've been playing everynight since its release. come join us if you're looking for a group to play with. TS:
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