Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Revealed

Jeez...think I'm still lvl 5 not been on for a few days though, building my new desk DIY style then I'll be on for a few hours try catch up abit

I've been mainly playing Terrorist Hunt at Realistic

The XP you gain is crazy high! and some of them are very easy tbh :D
yeah I've made it to 23 :D.

Must admit the ranked version seems to be more full of idiots than the casual :(.

I agree, played 1 game last night against a decent team, everyone on my team was brain dead and arguing with each other about who's fault it was. Probably going to avoid ranked play for a while till the playerbase gets a bit better.
Really tempted to pick this up - majority seem to be saying its good fun. Price seems a little mad though - £49.99 on steam and CDkey sites seem to have hiked the price up as well, compared to a few days ago.
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Just updated to the latest drivers and had a bug where all i could hear was the musci from radios in a room or bloke speaking when someone died that was it, rolled back to the previous drivers and got the same thing for a round then it fixed itself.

first real bug ive had so far
That isil clan were annoyingly good :(.

I know just shows what team work can do I got behind the whole team killed one of them next minute 3 of them turned at me and killed me dont think they would have known I was there otherwise as I had a silencer on and was behind one of the desks.

I lol'd when it came up as bomb though.
:D beautiful irony. I killed bin laden twice but couldn't land a shot on any of the others :(.

Well there's a few of us now so I'm sure we can get discord going. Got a shooting headache today so I wasn't on it for long.
Yeah just need to sort my mic out :/ I must have the worst luck going lol get a new headset then my soundcard goes, Try to use the onboard and it jsut wasnt having any of it would not pick up the mic at all going to have a proper playa around in the settings tomorrow once ive finished this desk off.
Anyone fancy starting a squad going?

Love the game but I think I would love it more with a regular players XD (no matter how bad or how good I think this game is hilarious at times)

Dunny774993 is my Ubitag thing
Tried this yesterday, I was rubbish. Just can't seem to see anyone before they kill me. And my aim seems to be way off.

Also had no sound bug, getting stuck bug and a random server disconnection.

I find the whole camp in a small room and wait for it to be breached tactic seems to fail hard as we kept on tripping over or shooting each other.
Yeah its very rare I'll stay in one room with everyone else I normally go to another room/floor and try to kill a few while they are focusing on getting to the objective

Most of the time I'm the one to die first
Yeah its very rare I'll stay in one room with everyone else I normally go to another room/floor and try to kill a few while they are focusing on getting to the objective

Most of the time I'm the one to die first

Haha yeah that'd my plan normally! Try and place myself somewhere slightly before the objective room and kill them as they go past.

But yeah, usually end up dying first :P Nah tbf I've had quite good results doing it, getting better as I get more used to the game. Very different to play than other shooters.
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