That's it I quit!
Finally, a space in Platinum opens up for me!
That's it I quit!
Happy to say I actually find the SMG more effective. Still my go to spray and pray.
a guy pre aiming through a wall despite not having seen our guy.
The problem with this game is you can't tell if that is hacking, or just communication through teammates using drones/cameras.
1v1 all drones dead (been counted both sets) shouldnt have known he was there especially since he moved pre to being aimed at.
Honestly I am the last person to call hacks.
Must admit I was doing horrifically.
Second day with no smokes makes me a nuband ragey
just try another SAS operator
see what i did there?
Ranked not working, never able to connect to a game where as with casual I'm straight in
Ehh I'm not sure then.
I'm service level 54 and ranked copper
I'm service level 54 and ranked copper