Well that was quick.
Also your sig needs updating.
"HyperX 8Gb"
we get guys who get ping flooded frequently.
quite often if we are winning one or two of our guys will lag out and drop. I use a cisco ASA connected to my virgin connection with logging enabled i can see the tools attempting to saturate my connection.
most of the time the silly fools do it from their own ip.
I have a box sat in a DC i can use to return the favour but i keep forgetting to do it.
JP will tell you as he is usually OK. we have one guy who plays with us who is Diamond ranked he is always the first one to be targeted.
I do get a bit of rubber banding but its not connection related. It is CPU issues on the server hosting.
In my opinion yeah it would be fine, I'm on 200mb and with my partner on Netflix and me gaming while having Netflix on the 2nd tv everything is pretty smooth for me.
anything i need to change on the hub to make it run smooth with online games?
I've not changed anything with mine and it's pretty smooth so you should be good to go.
You certainly moved fast with that recommendation!
play this most nights, but normally solo anyone playing this tonight or over the weekend want to team up?
Until about 2am iirc.
Was quite fun. Butt coin was nearing paralytic I think.