Patch 3.1 has been deployed on PC only alongside patch 3.0 and the Season 2 content. Consoles will receive patch 3.1 the following week on May 18th.
This patch primarily addresses a bug fixes that were not included in the patch 3.0, but it also fixes some exploits. Because of this, we are only releasing partial patch notes for Patch 3.1 since we do not want to communicate on these while they are still present for consoles. Full 3.1 patch notes will be available when the patch is live for consoles next week.
Level Design
FIXED – Several collision and exploitable issues on various maps related to Valkyries Sticky Cameras.
FIXED – The host of a PVP Custom session would sometimes spawn out of the world, but their operator would be seen in-game.
FIXED – The red light of the cluster charge can be seen through a wooden barricade.
FIXED – The game crashes when attempting to join a game in progress during the winning showcase animation.
This game seems to get worse every time I play it.
Anyone still playing this? Picked it up the other day for a 10er and looking for some people to play with. Still learning the ropE's but getting there slowly.
Im on it everyday, still love it as much as I did from launch date. Although they really need to get a anti-hacking system in place, really spoils some games when you get a hacker.
Still playing here, never stopped!
Still quite a few cheats in ranked, managed to get to platinum solo queue ranked and now diamond but was playing with friends who were low or unranked so lots of easy games without cheaters!
Looking forward to today's patch, hopefully some more cheat countermeasures in the background to catch people out!
Plus the Kapkan and Mute buffs look great!
My Ubi name is Grimson85 if anyone is interested.
Is this still a hackfest?
Haven't played since the hacking and realising how stupid the sync system is that they implemented to try and even the playing field out.
And after re-watching the trailers and gameplay footage of old also realising how much we are missing from the core mechanics even like fast roping onto roofs, no ambient lighting/police etc zoning the area. No flying drones.
What happened to the hostages reacting to things around them. The player interaction isn't there, there being no voice acting. It is just dull. The older Rainbow Six games are leagues above this release.
It just ended up being bland and not even well textured. For such small maps the graphics are awful.
Still so disappointing.