Tomb Raider : Legend = Stuck <spoilers>

Damn, Japan end of level is proving difficult, entered with as much assualt rifle ammo as she will carry, and health packs, but still not getting a lot of damage on him before I die, whats the trick ?
I have tried hiding behind the rocks and shooting long range with the AR but eventually I run out of ammo and he is only a little damaged, grenades won't reach ...
Vogon said:
Damn, Japan end of level is proving difficult, entered with as much assualt rifle ammo as she will carry, and health packs, but still not getting a lot of damage on him before I die, whats the trick ?
I have tried hiding behind the rocks and shooting long range with the AR but eventually I run out of ammo and he is only a little damaged, grenades won't reach ...

Only tips I can offer is to get the shotgun (there were loads dropped before you entered this area).

Hide behind the rocks, the bad-guy is nearly always directly in front, then when he unleashes the green-stuff, run round to get him with the shotgun a few times.

There's meant to be a certain degree of skill on this, what with jumping over the green-stuff or ducking under it, but I found that 75% of the time, simply rolling into it wouldn't knock any points off and you get to him faster.
I just got lucky :)
Managed to position myself so I had a shot at him and he didnt move, so i just kept plugging away with the pistols once I ran out of AR rounds, and after countless clips i got him :)
~J~ said:
Only tips I can offer is to get the shotgun (there were loads dropped before you entered this area).

Hide behind the rocks, the bad-guy is nearly always directly in front, then when he unleashes the green-stuff, run round to get him with the shotgun a few times.

There's meant to be a certain degree of skill on this, what with jumping over the green-stuff or ducking under it, but I found that 75% of the time, simply rolling into it wouldn't knock any points off and you get to him faster.

I completed every level bar the last with the pistols! (on Tomb-Raider difficulty).
I did that boss by jumping on the top platform where he is, and just chase after him. Jumping and rolling to dodge the green bits while unloading a nice chunk of pistol ammo into him :)
~J~ said:
Anyone doing the time trials yet? Just popped Bolivia and Peru.
Good stuff! I have tried Bolivia 3 times, but have failed each go:(

Do you stop to kill all the badies/jaguars?
How much time did you have left?
Is there anything you need to do to 'boost' the time, eg collect the sheilds?

Cheers :)
mark66 said:
Good stuff! I have tried Bolivia 3 times, but have failed each go:(

Do you stop to kill all the badies/jaguars?
How much time did you have left?
Is there anything you need to do to 'boost' the time, eg collect the sheilds?

Cheers :)

Think I've done it in 11mins 20secs. Didn't kill much of the enemies at all, the bit where you "Y" the boulders down the hill before entering the main building, I just ran like mad. The first jaguar you come to (with the walls), had to kill that, and the one in the pit where the puzzle is. The other one (where you have to somersault the four spikey poles), didn't kill it, just vaulted for one of the arms of the poles and right around the room.

Don't think there's anything you can do to boost the time. I might be wrong, but at the moment, haven't found anything.

Japan is a toughy at the mo. Trying to get than done in 12mins is proving pretty tough.
Bolivia (I) is actually quite easy, don't kill anyone or anything apart from the last 2 Jaguars and the enemies at the end, nothing else needs killing.

I was going good on Peru until the bit after you run away from the demon, I rolled the ball down the ramp and forgot what to do :(.
Agree with ya there Nokkon, you do tend to forget things because you look at the counter ticking down and tend to rush or simply forget a few of the moves. I did think completing these would take hundreds of hours fine tuning moves and routines, but they're not that bad.

Besides they'll be worth it. I think the London one unlocks a Bikini costume! :D
~J~ said:
Besides they'll be worth it. I think the London one unlocks a Bikini costume! :D

Not for me it didn't :(

Managed to finish my last time trial tonight so here are my times:

Bolivia 12:18
Peru 24:05
Japan 12:50
West Africa 21:33
Kazakhstan 27:51
England 26:27
Nepal 10:42
Bolivia Redux 2:44

Not very quick times as most were done first time.

I must say Kazakhstan was by far the hardest for me :( There are so many parts in it where you can waste time. Parts like on the motorbike and using the gun to kill those 3 guys with the boxes ate up so much time when your doing most parts quickly. Then when your not too quick through most of the sections you do these bits first time :(

I must have done that level about 6 times. I did finish it once but as a sigh of relief I thought I would watch the cinematic. BIG mistake! half way through it it said 'TIME OUT!' must say that bit made me swear :D
Usel said:
I must have done that level about 6 times. I did finish it once but as a sigh of relief I thought I would watch the cinematic. BIG mistake! half way through it it said 'TIME OUT!' must say that bit made me swear :D

Odd! I've looked at the timer pre-cinematic and post-cinematic on Bolivia and the time didn't move. Thats awfully unlucky!

Shame Kazakhstan is the hardest, it was my least favourite!
NokkonWud said:
Odd! I've looked at the timer pre-cinematic and post-cinematic on Bolivia and the time didn't move. Thats awfully unlucky!

Thats what I thought when I doing them. I knew the timer never counts, but at the end level of Kazakhstan it definately did for me. After she jumped down the hole in the broken floor and started tunneling through the pipe it flashed up there :(

When I did finally complete it properly I only had 0:53 to complete the boss.
Usel said:
When I did finally complete it properly I only had 0:53 to complete the boss.

Wow, first time jobbie! I found this the hardest of the boss battles :(. I kept missing the boss on my first attempt to 'grab' him and he'd sweep me off of my seat.
well continuing the trend of mic is useless at all games

1st level 15 minutes in

room with 2 switches on the wall and a door infront and 3 pressure pads

i have 1 cage on the pad, the other 2 cages are on the floor i cant get them up to the pads

gah read the 1st post , ignore
Sorry if it been answered, but there seems to be conflicting views on this.

If you complete the game on normal, then want to re-do the levels on hard to get the 'hard' achievement, can you just choose to replay the levels at the higher difficulty setting, or do you have to start a new game completely?

Been reading through the message board at Gamefaqs, and different people say different things :rolleyes:
I completed the game on Normal. To complete it on hard I just went to replay level and selected hard.

Completed all the achievements now. Very impressed with the game actually and it was a lot better than I expected.
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